I hate to admit that I read the President’s tweets, but what on earth was he referring to when he tweeted that CNN’s ratings had “crashed” this morning? “Lost all credibility?” What on earth is he talking about?
I hate to admit that I read the President’s tweets, but what on earth was he referring to when he tweeted that CNN’s ratings had “crashed” this morning? “Lost all credibility?” What on earth is he talking about?
2MaNy LeZzIeS PlaYiN Da SpOrTz!!1! Herp derp
The right wing has been hammering census paranoia for decades, yet we still haven’t learned. Meanwhile, Facebook and Google collect every last bit of actual personal information that people willingly offer up without a second thought.
So Tiffany, then?
I actually think Don’s worse than Eric. Eric’s politics are probably just as bad as Don’s, (especially if his wife is any indication), but Eric isn’t as thirsty and can therefore occasionally SHUT UP and refrain from tweeting.
As nutty-fun as this is, as a person who often gets sick after traveling, I kind of get it? I mean, how often is she in one of those germ-filled coffins? Even in first class, people are disgusting animals.
There’s a long history of divas who scrub. Marlene Dietrich famously carried Ajax and Playtex gloves with her, too. No one’s too glamorous for OCD!
Well I, for one, have never been more chuffed to add my personal information to a government database
The Census’ annual American Community Survey (ACS) collects this kind of data and has for years. Difference is that the ACS collects a sample that they then extrapolate to use for estimates, as opposed to the Census which is an actual count and required by every household every ten years.
I was wracking my brain trying to figure out just where he could get this information from other agencies with reliable consistency and came up short. I’m going to call this empty signaling to his base until someone with a better handle on bureaucratic procedures can enlighten me.
I believe you. Take care of yourself as best you can and I wish you strength and peace.
This is so offensive. The perpetrator himself identifies the event as rape; there is evidence, on film, of the attack; there is evidence of premeditation/planning (in trapping the woman in a room and blocking the door) to ensure the attack took place; there are multiple witnesses who can attest to the victim’s level…
The forethought implied in taking the video and the continued malice of sending it to his friends also makes the case for improved cognition and understanding. This wasn’t a drunken hookup gone wrong. he knew what he was doing, and kept doing it. he needs serious jail time and a lifetime on the sex offender registry.
Kids brains are still forming. But this kid knew what he was doing was wrong and still did it. He’s 16, not mentally deficient in some way.
He is retired but had been recalled from retirement on this particular case (super common in NJ due to lots of shortages in the judiciary). He has since been recalled again, most recently in 2018 for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2019. So he is on the bench right now unless something has changed since that…
It’s a scale. Generally there’s a recognition that kid’s brains are developing, and it’s generally a scale about when and whether this person did develop enough to be cognizant than action was wrong and thus could be held culpable.
These men and boys ruin their own lives. It is not on their victims to continue to protect them from the choices they’ve made.
Wonder how many “sexual assaults” (not rapes, obv) the judge committed in his good college days?
I just want to burn it all the fuck down.