
I can only hope he didn’t include a note that said, “a little birthday message for my favorite nephew on his big day!” Wouldn’t put it past him. 

Damn, you’re right.  He calls her Mommy.

“Senator, what about Marianne Williamson?”

I just feel so awful for the majority of those child stars and what they’ve been through. After all we’ve heard about Nick and Dan Schneider, I can only imagine what she has experienced. It is a shame, because she has such great comedic timing, but a career outside the industry is likely the best way to stay healthy.

I wish Amanda Bynes the best which probably includes staying out of the spot light. Keep it up, girl!

Bella Thorne, take it from Lizzo: “the only ex’s that I care about are in my fucking chromosomes.”

Your grasp of context is... not good.

I... think it’s pretty clearly shade at them not having really stated much of a platform.  Yang is running on universal income, without much in the way of an actual plan to get there, and that’s about it.  Everyone has beaten to death the fact that Buttegieg seems to be about the most generic white male DNC Democrat,

Well, she does have a job, so maybe she just doesn’t have time to get to all of them.

She’s been planning to run since the 2016 and seemed like a pretty viable candidate. The fact she’s seen in the losers bracket probably wasn’t in her plan as it’s hard to map out an election campaign featuring enough candidates to make up an entire MLB roster and the voters’ and press’ fascination with a bunch of

I feel really bad for Gillibrand. She’s been in the Senate for awhile and has been a pretty good Senator. In a normal race, she’d be seen as a contender. Instead she’s in the backhalf of 25 candidates as all the attention primarily went to some guy who lost a Senatorial race in Texas and a 37 year old Mayor who’s

This case continues to boggle the mind in twists and turns that are stranger than any melodrama series plot.

And that was Colbert. Even otherwise progressive and open-minded people feel the right to diminish women for writing or reading love stories that have a happy ending. Nobody bats an eye at the lack of realism of an Indiana Jones movie, for example, but the idea that two people can meet, fall in love, overcome

“ biggest fear is ABC giving McCain her own show”

Has there been any write-up about Lizzo’s cry for help lastnight on Insta? I know it’s got nothing to do with Cardi but I was just wondering. Ever since her album dropped we’ve been watching her blow the FUCK up and be a superstar and I know that has got to be incredibly overwhelming. Anyway, it looks like she

Good. She’s trash. Now go to jail.

Basically, when mainstream outlets report on subcultures, the tone is almost invariably one of gentle condescension, as though the writer fears being lumped in with her subjects if she doesn’t wink sufficiently at her supposedly sophisticated audience. To them, the “freaks” are ok to write and read about, provided

Whatever is happening with her, she is obviously suffering. I hope she, and her family, get all the help they need.

Kenyon reportedly became preoccupied with fantasy writer Cassandra Clare, filing a lawsuit in 2016 claiming copyright infringement and other offenses, before dropping the central but difficult to prove copyright claims.

This is true and I myself fell for it for a while. I remember my aunt used to have just scads of these things — shelves and shelves full of them — and I thought, huh? I thought they were just bodice rippers with women fluttering their lashes and men swashing their buckles and then fade to black as they kissed in the