
Somehow I doubt press conference attendance delivers audience attention more than the matches themselves. An athlete who is fun to watch play but doesn’t want to sit in front of press is delivering more capitalistic value than someone who isn’t as dynamic of a player but is agreeable to press attention. Yet I don’t

Do you honestly think they care?  It’s not like Gunn doing Suicide Squad hurt them any, especially not since the pandemic ended up delaying GotG3 anyway so it’s not like the extra gig affected their production schedule.

If you really don’t think a director can make it impossible for a actor to do her job, to the point of getting her fired or driving her to quit (which can cause a huge problem for her career), you don’t know enough about Hollywood’s history of tyrranical directors the women whose careers (and in some cases personal

Actors and their directors have hooked up fromtime immemorial, but as far as professional workplaces go, it’s very much frowned upon.”

I had the same thought! Granted I’m in the US, and have no idea when the vaccine was opened up to middle aged and younger adults (or if there was ever any age restrictions at all the way there was here), but it’s very weird to me that the future Queen of England is just getting vaccinated at the tail end of May when

This! I can’t remember the last time a movie had my full attention at home. I’m always either doing something else while watching or someone’s distracting me in the next door.  But in a dark theater, it’s a more immersive experience that captures my full attention (unless it’s bad and my mind wanders out if

Decant your booze into travel containers and put it into your toiletry kit? You’re limited to 3.3 oz for each bottle obviously, but you could probably fit at least 12 ounces worth in a standard TSA approved 1 quart toiletry bag. Then once you’re past security, you can pour it into a water or soda bottle.

Yeah it doesn’t help that there are bars within 20 yards of most gates. I don’t know if the behavior would actually get worse (but only because it’s already so bad) but I definitely don’t think cutting in-air alcohol sales will solve the problem of drunk and belligerent passengers. Especially since on shorter domesti

I think the full series is only available for purchase, though Comixology Unlimited does include the first few volumes in its subscription.

Boyd Holbrook is playing the Corinthian.

Ophthalmologist, optometrists don’t go to med school. And yes he’s licensed, but he later tried to start his own licensing board to avoid paying up to renew.

That’d be kind of the opposite of the Springsteen/Christie dynamic no? For such a thin skinned man, he’s been pretty chill about not getting much love (aside from them teaming up in support of Hurricane Sandy relief) from the Boss. It’s a love that never dies, no matter how unrequited. He’s a stan for life.

Unless you’re completely unfamiliar with 80s power ballads they play in elevators, grocery stores, and dental offices, you’ve definitely heard this guy even if you didn’t know his name.

Only White Claws?  Do we not value good labor here?  I would think bottle of his choice would be appropriate if he was beat into submission and out of the Senate.

I’ve always been tempted to do this but have never gone through with it because I have a niggling fear that the experience will be like the boat ride from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  My brain already has a habit of inserting disturbing images in the face of dark spaces even when all of my senses are in

He also had a major supporting role in a Will Farrell movie in 2017 (plus a few other straight to VOD movies), so yes, definitely not cancelled! Just forced to endure people bringing up his misdeeds when his name pops up in the news. Big whoop.

“I feel like if Mel Gibson popped his head out he’d be fine.”

No “but.....” She lied about reaching out to Courtney personally and has them blocked on Twitter so they can’t even read her failure of an apology except through media coverage. Teigen literally used to DM a teenager on a regular basis for well over a year telling them to commit suicide, and then doesn’t even have the

“CT def was an asshole for what she said, CS seemed to happily bathe in all of the attention she received for her relationship/lifestyle.”

We agree, though that’s more or less how Jews were exiled from Palestine in the first place. It’s not like they all simply migrated away from their ancestral homeland. Many were forcibly removed by their own occupiers during multiple points in antiquity, and then later forcibly removed from the places they resettled.