
Those things don’t erase the intimate partner violence. Why would you want JLo to hook up with someone whose track record suggests will seriously mistreat her if not brutalize her just because you admire his public works?

Capacity limits make a huge difference. When my wife and I went to WDW, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom were basically ghost towns. The most crowded park was definitely Hollywood Studios due to those ridiculous Star Wars rides.*”

It’s not that it’s been determined that Jen and Justin never legally married, it’s that TMZ was never able to find court records for their marriage or divorce in LA county. All that really means is that they ~for sure~ did not get married or file for divorced within a specific county, which is something TMZ

Agreed. Would it be nice to live in a world where everyone is assumed to be cos and straight until they prove otherwise? Yes! Is that fantasy in anyway meaningful to the world we live in? No!

Not necessarily bad grammar. The use of the singular ‘they’ has a history stretching back to the Middle Ages. It fell out of favor in the 18th and 19th centuries because dudes who wrote grammar books though him/him/his should be the default singular pronoun, but even celebrated writers from this period like Jane

I mean, is Harron implying that the use of “they/them” pronouns is meaningful? (I think that they/them has commonly been used to indicate generality, i.e. “people”).”

Update: just finished listening. What a gift. It’s not often you get to fall in love with old songs all over again. Her voice has really improved over the years and it shows in some of the re-recordings, but there were a few times I missed the squeaky, youthful flaws in the original versions. Overall though, I loved

Given that he’s literally the only British monarch in the history to have ever done so voluntarily and his abdication is still seen as an event of great shame within the family, he seems more like the exception that proves the rule and not a sign of what’s possible. Plus Edward abdicated less than a year after he

That would be a huge change for her given her current palette of varied, bright hues. She’s said in the past that the bright colors are for her to stand out and be obvious to her people so I would be surprised to see her go all black for all future public events.

Saving the full listen of the new album until after work today, but the two songs from the vault that she put out ahead of the release were excellent and have me very excited!

I’m curious what she does with it too, but I think it may be a while before we find out as I don’t think she’s doing her re-records in order. They just used Taylor’s version of Wildest Dreams in the trailer of an animated film, and the use of Love Story in a commercial was how she telegraphed Fearless was

There’s no way she’s stepping down. Elizabeth is a traditionalist to a fault and British monarchs die on the throne not in retirement. There’s really no ifs, ands or buts about that.  That said, given her age I’d hardly be surprised to see her drastically cut back her schedule and have others members fill in for her,

Selena looks better in it, but I’m not sure how much my opinion on this matter is swayed by the fact that I can see less of the dress in that pic of Selena. When you can only see the it from the waist up, it’s kind of charmingly twee. With the full length, it’s very Sunday school teacher for an affluent and

Especially rich ones and Gaetz’s dad is loaded.

Same though I’m really curious about that weirdly empty basement. It looks so weird with a unravels stair case descending straight in the middle of the space and nothing there but two recliners and a flat screen.

Is Slate not political?  What a weird denial.

Jessica’s passage on John definitely checks out with what Taylor Swift wrote about him in Dear John. I’d love to hear Katy Perry over up her dirt some day.

Yes she did and that’s heartbreaking, but let’s unpack the context on that statement for a minute. Her description of being raped and left naked for dead is the view she has after over 2 years of processing what happened to her. It’s likely wildly different than how she viewed it in the moment she invited him over.

It’s Kris telling this story, not Khloe but your point stands.

Is that a comparably close relative of his, thus someone who might have standing in a custody dispute over an orphan? Might his family come in to dispute the issue anyway?”