Yes. It’s completely redundant to make them sign NDAs, so I’m assuming it was just a security blanket measure for Trump since making everyone around him sign NDAs is how he rolls.
Yes. It’s completely redundant to make them sign NDAs, so I’m assuming it was just a security blanket measure for Trump since making everyone around him sign NDAs is how he rolls.
Oh I’m fat, so I get it. If we weren’t talking about Trump, I’d be feeling a ton of sympathy pains for him every time his weight and health became a topic of national conversation. I got that way with Chris Christie even though I found him and his politics reprehensible. But knowing how Trump himself talks about…
I’m surprised this isn’t coming from Jarvanka as they’re usually the ones leaking disapproval to the press that they would never saw to Trump himself.
Also, the media has been pointing out that he’s obese every 15 minutes for the past 72 hours. There’s no way Trump would consent to a plan that involved the media talking about how old and fat he was so often for days on end.
I was mostly being facetious. I don’t want him to die, though I do hope he’s hospitalized for the better part of the month as that’s what he fucking deserves after the way he’s actively downplayed the dangers of COVID for the sake of politics.
Yup. I have a coworker who had to go on dexamethasone last spring because one of her lungs was still operating at only 20% after she had a collapsed lung due to a serious (non COVID) lung infection in February. She had to go on leave from work for two and a half months because obviously her doctor did not think it…
Was this his Make A Wish moment?
Hoping someone with COVID dies is hurtful to a sick person and their loved ones, but it is not a threat of harm. It’s not even like hoping someone gets hit by a car, because while no one has it in their power to make sure someone gets a particularly bad case of COVID, they could theoretically inspire someone to get…
“he arrived late because he knew he was positive, he knew they wouldn’t let him in otherwise so basically did it “on his honor” which- REALLY??? who would approve that??”
Medium? On a lot of nights I haven’t even eaten dinner yet, let alone started getting ready for bed, but it’s late enough that I don’t want people to call me after that time. Unless I’m already out, from 9-midnight is strictly me-time.
Same. I have a normal 8-5 job, but damned if I can get to bed before midnight. I give myself a pat on the back if I manage to make it into bed by 11:45, since most days it’s closer 1 am than 12 when I actually shut off the lights. Even beyond 1am isn’t that unusual for me. If I’m in bed before 10, there’s likely…
Shutting Dump up in “quarantine” so he can’t encourage racist groups or have the humiliation of a “peasant” tell him to quit interrupting his debate partner while simultaneously generating sympathy for poor sickie widdle Donnie in his base, and if Biden points any of this out he’s being a meanie and the undecided go…
Honestly when it comes to most things in life I live by the mantra that one should never assume scheming when the easier explanation is incompetence. Which means I’m pretty skeptical of the idea that the email getting sent out being a deliberate choice. While Trump‘s likely known about his diagnosis longer than he’s…
He wasn’t personally putting out emails and it’s pretty likely that such emails are prewritten and sent on a schedule, one likely set before the news broke.. And in any case he’s at Walter Reed right now so the likelihood of him appearing in Houston on Monday is pretty damn slim.
All of this. Also factor in that a COVID diagnosis robs him of one of the only things he loves in his job: holding big public rallies. He’s going to be quarantined for at least a week (it should be two, but unless his symptoms are keeping him bedridden I doubt they can keep him down that long), and there are only 32…
“Hia base DOESN’T CARE whether the ‘chyna plague’ is real or not, or if masks are effective or not. This will not change a single Trump voter’s intention of voting Republican across the ticket.”
Nah. A COVID diagnosis means he’s stopped from doing his favorite thing for a week or more: holding big public rallies. That’s way more important to him than skipping another debate, which honestly I don’t agree that he even wants to do as he does not have it in him to be self aware enough to realize he’ll keep…
I agree. I think this is legit as there’s more downsides to a COVID diagnosis than him participating in another debate.
Is there really anything about the current Tex Cruz that really can only be explained by stupidity though? I don’t think anything he’s done since 2016 says dumb so much as craven. It’s not a lack of intelligence that causes people in the GOP to how to Trump, it’s a mixture of political expediency and fear of the…
Also with oil and gas companies, it’s often more expensive to cut off production than it is to keep working because of what you have to do with the wells. That’s also a big part of why production didn’t slow as the oil market cratered last spring and they were basically paying people to take it off their hands…