There’s always a possibility for his superhuman patience to be recognized in the next admin!
There’s always a possibility for his superhuman patience to be recognized in the next admin!
Why would she need a TV deal? She already had one and could have ridden that pony for as long as she wanted to. She transcended the need for a reality tv show to keep her profile up where she wants it at least 7 years ago.
All of this. I loved RBG and wish she could have lived forever. But knowing she wasn’t going to, it would have been fucking nice for her and the people who were urging her to stay on to realize that even as excellent as her minority opinions always were, she was ultimately less useful to the causes she cared about…
“Even putting aside the fact that some of the conservative justices are getting up there too”
I agree overall but I don’t think fear will be the motivator in every case. There’re pretty much no downside except to their own self image for Murkowski, Romney or Grassley* to vote for Trump’s nomination to the court. They’re not in a situation like Susan Collins were there’s a very real possibility that a yes vote…
Well to be fair, it’s likely not just their own self regard at work here. We’re talking about pro-life Republicans who care very much themselves about the composition of the court. They want this seat badly, even if* they’d rather not get it this way.
I already answered the stats question in another comment. It’s not hard to understand given what she just said about McPhee. If you’re reducing someone to their income, age, race and gender to make assumptions about their politics as she had just done about a rich millennial white woman, Reiner ticks a lot of…
He’s an incredibly wealthy white senior citizen. Superficially that puts him in the Republicans’ wheel house. Rob being a Jewish guy from Brooklyn who works in Hollywood obviously complicates that picture, but if you were following the logic that McPhee’s whiteness and wealth alone made her likely to be a Republican…
After Romney we’d still need one more and I’m struggling to imagine who is even a plausible possibility to be the 4th. None of the vulnerable Senators besides Collins are likely to hold out. Tillis is already on the record for saying he’ll vote for RBG’s replacement even though we don’t have one named yet. McSally…
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I truly appreciated them.
Maybe I’m being too nice, but I didn’t actually take from what Harron wrote that she was saying she was actually surprised by Rob Reiner’s stance. I think she was just contrasting him to McPhee as a segue into her next story. She had just said that based on her demographic, we should not be surprised about her…
You should be able to. It’s syndicated so it will vary from city to city, but it airs on the local NBC in my area
Thank you! I needed to hear that.
Continuing the theme of 2020 being a kick in the teeth, my dog Lori died this morning. It was one of those pet deaths that was both unexpected and entirely unsurprising. She was an old lady of 15: blind, one eyed (thanks to a corneal ulcer that wouldn’t heal when she was 13), partly deaf, arthritic, had cushing’s…
Was the procedure the get a flu shot at CVS any different than in previous years? I usually get mine at Walgreens and had wondered if they were doing anything different this year (such as needing to call ahead) because of COVID.
Even the article you’re using as a rebuttal points out that the anger over her decision not to retire is fair. Pointing out that the entire system is failing and that it is unfair for Ginsberg to carry it all on her shoulders dismisses the reality that part of the responsibility of being one of the 9 most powerful…
People who bring up Merrick Garland are missing the point. Obama got 2 SCOTUS nominees through during his time in office. How? Because Justice Stevens and Justice Souter, like many justices before them, made a point to retire at a time when they knew their replacement could get through a confirmation process smoothly.…
Unfortunately 2018 was always going to be a shit year for the Senate. It was the worst Senate map for Democrats in decades. We had to defend twice as many seats as they did, and most of the seats they were defending were safe seats while we were defending 8 seats in states Trump won in 2016. It’s a credit to the Blue…
Pence is actually the first VP to be involved with cloture motions, that may be you didn’t turn much up. Before the filibuster was ended for all executive branch nominees, nearly every cloture vote required 60 votes which meant that the VP couldn’t be a deciding factor since they can only be involved when there’s a…
The Republicans can confirm with 50 votes, but they need 51 votes for cloture, so Democrats could block the vote with 3 Republican flips.