“She’ll be 37 by then, that’s a little old by Trump family standards.”
“She’ll be 37 by then, that’s a little old by Trump family standards.”
Ivy is an uncontrollable monster. Sure it looks pretty in certain contexts, but it’s difficult to contain and nearly impossible to kill. My parents’ house is covered in the stuff and they’ve given up the battle and let it eat the hole exterior of the house because every time they tried it cut it back, it would grow…
Is it really an imperfection if they can’t stop talking about it? I have plenty of coworkers and relatives I’m on good terms with who have pretty shitty views, but we’re able to maintain that relationship because they mostly keep those thoughts to themselves. I wouldn’t be able to do that if we couldn’t get through a…
Betty is my favorite song on folklore (exile close second), and I was excited to find it getting radio play on country stations. I laughed at “go fuck yourself” becoming “go straight to hell.” I would imagine that’s still controversial for a few listeners. I’ve listened to it 100s of times and to say it is TS pining…
Are sequels really sequels if each film has zero cast or even characters in common?
Hon, you’re reaching here. The award shows do the inviting, it’s not like she begged to come on. Betty is her first big country hit in years. It’s not a huge surprise that they’d ask her to come. As for the song not being nominated, I don’t think it was even eligible for this year. The ACMs were supposed to be…
Same. I think it’s because my heel is much narrower than the rest of my foot. It tends to move more in my shoe than the rest of my foot and I think that causes no show socks to start rolling down immediately. Even the kind with no slip grips inside don’t stay up.
....for promoting her new album by singing one of its singles at an award show?
That may be true for hosts, but not for the paid contributors which is where I see her ending up. It’s not like only Fox style conservatives get those jobs.Former DNC chair Donna Brazile is one right now, as is at least one former Democratic congressman. They like having a few Democrats/liberal commentators in their…
She’s All That isn’t a remake of Can’t Buy Me Love even though both films use the common secretly attractive outcast-to-popular hottie movie trope. The roles of the geeks in both movies are wildly different in terms of their agency in the story. Can’t Buy Me Love was remade as Love Don’t Cost A Thing in the mid-00s…
I think the fact she’s still in Congress is the only reason she doesn’t have a paid contributor gig yet. But she’s not running for reelection this year and her term is up in January. I will be greatly surprised if she isn’t on the Fox payroll shortly after she leave office.
Does she still need to audition? I think they’re happy to take her.
Cruz isn’t stupid. He’s obsequious and power hungry to the point of being willing to eat a ton of shit from his rivals when he thinks it serves his ambition (like with his willing to let bygones be bygones with Trump over the terrible things he said about his family), but that’s not the same as being dumb. He…
You forgot A Warning by Anonymous, written by some asshole still inside who is so self important he thinks he’s worth more inside the admin than out yet still wants to cash in on that sweet sweet book money.
It does not assume, *you* are assuming. I said that there might have been a tiny chance. The implication is that if there is only a tiny chance of something happening that there’s a larger chance that it will not. The point is that unless you think acting will do more harm (and given the circumstances it’s hard to…
“but nowhere do I say she’s worse than Tory, because I don’t think that.”
I think the implication is that if it had gotten out in February/March or even April it might have gotten people to start taking COVID more seriously sooner and not that it would have affected Trump’s political fortunes. A lot of damage was likely done by the government’s insistence that COVID was a short term problem…
I think IDM3's take was exactly right. How are we going to make it clear to men that we’re not targets or punching bags if they never deal with any consequences for what they do?
I was thinking this too! The Walrus preyed on the gullible he got to believe his promises, was too lazy to do his own work and then screwed over his partner in grift because he was too greedy to share. It’s very Trumpian.
That’s really odd because I’m looking at their 2020 Consensus map, which is their default map even when I visit the site incognito, and it’s showing Michigan colored powder blue. I’m not sure how it would turn red on an aggregated map since not a single one of their maps (save for the “2016 Actual” map) shows Michigan…