
@edzzz: Yeah I was wondering if it might have something to do with the CCD sensitivity...

@Big Brother: Ah, ok... now I'm seeing it. He's got it overclocked and needs to keep it cool? if so they really worded that badly in the article....

If only it was in brass, it would be perfect steam punk material....

"a refrigerated digital camera to speed it up"

I have this cold fusion rig set up in my kitchen you should come see...

If it had a couple laser turrets on it, I'd be sold....

@zer0sh1k1: You are correct sir.. a glare would have been overkill for Chuck to move that snow. Just showing a poster of this picture.....

And how did they get the snow off the road and piled up like that you may ask? A simple glare from this man....

Like a giant glowing pillow....

@Vogie: And they add SO MUCH diversity to the world's gene pool on that single rock cliff...

I like the Motorola exhibit piece, has sort of a star wars / galactic Empire motif - shiny black and some red... looks like vaders cape if he was their mascot...

"If that is the case, it would be wonderful if the entire Ukazi Hill, on which it is found, were declared a national heritage area and given suitable conservation protection."

@spider2544: Try watching a few original series twilight zone episodes that deal with how people react in these situations. We are our own worst enemy.

This is kind of what I expected. The movie is eye candy. (And hopefuly some ear candy, ala Daft Punk)...

Mineshafts what we need are more mineshafts....

@Just this guy, you know: Maybe, but I find it amazing that so many people knew that and managed to post such glowing reviews....

Sounds a lot like an infomercial.

@Jello4Brains: Unfortunately the 'kill immediately' radius was quite small.... but the 'kill eventually' radius was just a bit larger... so a lot of people dying from radiation poisoning...

Yes, because dying from radiation poisoning is such a humane way to kill people.....