
That's a big reason why I think that NASCAR will have most of the control. That and their financial power. They'll want something American and only American, and they'll want to run the new series like Grand Am. They'll kill it.

The Frances will be the ones to call the shots now.

We need to make the entire country aware of this shit.

Blame BMW of North America. The Germans wanted to sell it here, but BMW NA said "Americans don't like hatchbacks."

I like this idea.

I'm American too.

It's because Americans have horrible tastes in cars. Car commercials for America compared to elsewhere in the world say it all.


That poor car needs to be put out of its misery. I suggest burning it. With the fucking son of a bitch who did that to it locked inside.

Agreed. The vast majority of people will give up.

I live in the area. Combine this with two school buses that just got stolen nearby and can't be found anywhere and some shit is gonna happen regardless. I do think that this is some sort of sign though.

I want to hear this. If not here, then on oppo.

How about teaching people to drive better instead? That'd greatly cut down on accidents.

I used to spend weekends making mix tapes with the radio. I know what a vinyl record is too, something kids today also don't know about.

I've seen them on scooters and in hybrids more than anything else.

We'll be seeing a lot of them with horrible body kits soon enough though.

This is turning out to be a great time to be a car fan. Sadly most young people can't afford the cool stuff these days.

If it's for a job in the automotive field, fuck yea. That would get you the job. But to the rest of the world it gives a bad impression. They want somebody who's mature and responsible, not somebody who likes to drives at 120 mph on narrow dirt roads dodging trees by inches. They want a cock in a German luxury car.

Most owners of expensive cars aren't car guys. They just have a lot of money. They also tend to be douchebags.

If there are anymore gifs of people clapping I shall have these comments deleted!