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    Did he not get his robo call from Ryan? Poor bastard.

    @Steve U: He's halfway there ... the Gawker sites look pretty good on iPhones.

    @thetaxman: Try being a Rockies fan. The only way they have a chance of winning is if they score more points than the other team.

    You prefer to call it the "opposite of safe," but I prefer to call it "the definition of awesome." Ta-may-toe, Tah-mah-toe.

    @Jack of all Tirades R.O.A.C.H.: I remember that story as well ... he held the record for number of times hit by lightning, and he wound up killing himself over a girl. Something stupid like that.

    @eriegz: That's for me and my TV to decide, thankyouverymuch.

    Is that a Samsung WB5000 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    @jabber: That's pretty weak man.