That's pretty awful... it hardly looks like him.
That's pretty awful... it hardly looks like him.
was gonna reserve at the gs near me, but they only had the collectors edition
This, basically. Putting forth effort to hate something is pretty friggin stupid. It's fine to dislike something, but I find it amazing the collective amount of time it must have taken for commenters in this article to think of and list off "valid reasons" to hate something.
Blah, blah, blah.
No. It just means that they act like father and son towards each other. No actual relationship is required.
I guess I was just expecting the worst :P
Either way, you're being a dick! :D
I used to be scared out of my mind to drive. I didn't start until I was 23. A few weeks after, I drove 3 hours straight part of the way to Vegas. Keep with it, you'll be doing it before you know. :)
Persona 3 tattoo sleeve all done!
Thanks, I used it yesterday! :D
If anyone has an invite, I'd love one! I really want to try this site out.
-Swooning, orgasmic moan- AOOOOHHHH, Gitaroo Man!
Yeah, thought human form might have something to do with it. Blargh, I need humanity! Any tips for keeping humanity?
Apparently you can summon that Sun Knight guy who gives you the white soapstone. Perhaps you need to be in Human form to see it?
Quick question about the game...
Some other great series going on right now:
That's because you are apparently a BYU fan, thus making you scum. Sorry.
I'm from SLC. T_T
Makes me proud to be from the hellhole known as Utah.