I hope this is more like DS1, and less like 2. DS1 was a great game.
I hope this is more like DS1, and less like 2. DS1 was a great game.
My new computer, so now I can finally play PC games. (I only had a macbook before.)
@The Squid: They take it from you or remove you from the plane, usually. I saw a guy get escorted off at the terminal once.
Ugh, boxart.
Absolutely physical. I'm a sucker for toys and artbooks. You need something to display!
@Game_Guy: I for the life of me could not figure out the battle system in this game. I wanted to love it, it just made no sense to me.
Dead space 2 question:
@Brian Crecente: That was more directed at all the gamestop hate in the comments, not the article.
Gamestop lists things they don't know the price of at 999.99. This isnt a price, its purely for their system.
I'd like to believe that Microsoft understands that some people are amazingly good at video games, and can decipher between skill/dedication/obsession and cheating. I really, really doubt they just saw his GS and were like "oh, its too high, he must be cheating". I'd imagine the process was much more involved than…
People seem to think that developers deserve a cut of a used game, which is inherently false. They got their cut when someone bought it new to begin with. When you buy a used car from an independent dealership, they don't mail half your check back to the car company. What if every time someone bought a house that…
Everyone who says this game is a grand theft auto clone either didn't play more than the first two hours of the game, or didn't play the game at all. I really, really didn't like GTA4, or any GTA really for that matter, but RDR is one of my favorite games of all time. The story arch, music, missions, are all…
@kickingtotalass: Best DLC over Undead Nightmare? I'd have to say RDR wins both of those qualifiers.
@kickingtotalass: No, nothing like that. Scanning planets was pretty boring, the finale had a great build up, but a pretty poor conclusion, the friendly AI was pretty dumb most of the time, running out into lines of fire to take cover in a pretty bad place, and choosing a loadout felt kinda useless, like nothing was…
@BleedingThumbsMurphy: Because the story in RDR was a billion times better than the one in ME2 is my primary reason. ME2 had great gameplay, but some real let down moments, and a really poor ending.
ME2 was a great game, but it was severely flawed in several aspects. I honestly have a hard time believing it beat RDR by that wide of a margin. This is pretty lame.
"Vacation in beautiful GOKKHOLM, just west of Rollingplain and south of world-famous NHOB'RU! Experience the magic that is Bilt'Ranta Na! Explore luscious BOLFORES'L!"
Mass effect 2 was great.
@sarcastic.angel: I get it, i really do, but its not the fact that its 3D without glasses, its the fact that its basically your only option if you want to see 3D without glasses, anywhere. It's more about being first and being showy, besides the fact that the tech is pretty new.
@mintycrys is on an UBER STREAK!: The fact that their economy is stronger means that they can afford to pay more for things, hence the price difference. 250 euros might be 335 dollars, but it doesn't "feel" quite like 335 dollars to them. When the Wii launched, our economy was quite a bit more stable as well.