So this is the 500L and the 500X the same thing?
So this is the 500L and the 500X the same thing?
I've only ever played the first one, but I understand that the second is supposed to be superior.
I don't know about that regulation, but on the other end of the spectrum I went to school with a guy that is a member of a fanclub strictly for Chevy Cavaliers. I should be stunned by what people like, but at this point I just shake my head and continue on with life.
That's the word I was looking for. It doesn't appear to be brutal or a mess, just unremarkable. It could get lost in a parking lot.
I see at least one of those Infiniti monstrosities weekly and have to wonder what kind of people are buying them thinking, "That's a good looking car."
If that's true, then it's dirt cheap compared to the disc price.
This is very attractive to me. I sometimes need to move or haul dirty things or tall things. Maybe I'm moving a dryer, but wait, I've also got a small kid that has to go with me. My first auto was a 1992 ford ranger and those little bench seats are horrible. If this seats 5 somewhat comfortably then I'm in.
My dads 1964 Mercury Montclair had a power rear window. Childhood nastalgia coming back to me now of sitting on the trunk with our feet in the car as we watched a hot air balloon show.
These taste like Grandma!
My PS4 died a few weeks ago. I was in the middle of a game of Shadow of Mordor when it just shut off. I unplugged everything and tried again with no luck. I unplugged it and left it over night. Again, I just got a quick blue light and a beep.
My PS4 dying last week was my biggest disappointment. Hell, I had an Xbox 360 Pro that lasted much longer than my PS4.
I didn't even fly until I was 24 and the first couple times were a little hairy for me. I know statistically I'd be ok, but there was always that creeping thought in the back of my mind. I then just started guaging the reactions of others around me as well as the flight crew. If the crew starts to look a little…
I would still be playing if my PS4 didn't die. All I get is a quick blink of blue and a beep and it never starts up.
US and Nebraska. I've traded for different cars, renewed licenses, and been pulled over since then and I've never received notice or anything.
I've got parking tickets that have never come back to hurt me and have been pulled over since then(speeding). I also found out that in my city, getting a parking ticket from parking in a private lot means nothing. Sure, they can tow you if they're fast enough, but you can ignore a parking ticket from a private…
My Impreza with all seasons gets around just fine as was proven a month ago when other RWD and FWD were getting stuck on an icy hill that I drove up without a problem.
My toddler plays with my Fox Amiibo more than I do.
As someone says below I thought if you accept one payment then it's somewhere around the 56.8 million number, but if you take it paid out over 20 years you'll get somewhere closer to 90M. Regardless all one has to do is take the one time payment and invest it properly. Getting an annual return near 10% should keep…
I could see some rare Amiibo(not counting double blaster samus) being worth something more 10-20 years from now, but right now they are fairly impractical pieces of plastic. The fact that you're putting your character into Smash Bros could be done in game. The extra outfits and whatnot that is being offered for…