Cheers to you, man. lol
Cheers to you, man. lol
I can't disagree with your reasons for disliking the new console, but I also think we're in two different places in our lives. I was more in your place 10 years ago, but having a full time job, going to school full time, and having a family has put me in my current place. I still like to game, but lack of time and…
The cons for me aren't too terrible.
What's with all the love for PS4? I don't even remember anything exciting from their presser. They new Killzone! Oh and no backwards compatibility as well.
I had the same problem while watching the reveal today. My wife came in and I was telling her I was watching the new Xbox reveal which brought up the voice commands.
I wonder what the console will look like with it's typical lights on it? The power light and the 4 to signify the amount of players.
I will speculate that the added Kinect 2.0 will do as Kinect 1.0 does. Collect dust.
I know I'm in the minority with all the negative feedback people are spewing today, but I like the look of it. It's a totally nondescript console that won't stick out like a sore thumb under my TV. The controller didn't need a whole lot of changes so as long as the D-pad feels good, I think that's a winner.
Whole lot of negative comments on Kotaku today.
So the Wired article says that the top right half is slotted and open to allow more air flow. That thing is going to be a bit of an annoyance to clean.
With E3 right around the corner I'm cautiously optimistic about the reveal tomorrow. What I want is a full reveal of the console itself, the controller, and a few games. At E3 they can reveal more about the price, release date, etc.
I can respect that and ultimately I am going to use my Wii U to play the Nintendo exclusives, but it would be nice to get more support from other parties. I'm either using my 360 or Wii U. Had Bioshock Infinite came out on Wii U, I would have sold my 360 to wait for the next console.
I don't necessarily love my Wii U. It's a really nice console, but at this point there really isn't a reason why any game that comes out on 360 and PS3 shouldn't be on Wii U as well.
I hope the continue to release some great classic games for 30 cents. I picked up Super Metroid last night and would instantly buy more SNES titles for that price.
I bought a Wii U in hopes that any game that appears on both 360 and PS3 would be on it as well. I love you Nintendo. You hurt me, but I love you.