
I drink soy milk, went to a Liberal Arts college and have been labeled a snowflake. I have been told that these are terms these folks use for the less masculine and weak, however it appears without guns I would likely be the main level boss in some Mad Max style apocalypse town. Seems fun.

I don’t think you are forced to pay anything, but I have never played the game so unsure. I read that you can win chances to get free spins/plays, and there are daily spins as well. At least that’s how 2k19 is (i hear). Similar to the crane game in Just Dance, the wheel spin game in Forza,or the slot machine at the

Yes, please dont buy this game........if you have an addictive personality. There are plenty of folks who are able to play a game like this and never spend a dime on in-game purchases. If you are not one of those people, i agree that you should not take part. 

Similar to Mario Brothers 2 when you beat the level and got a slot spin for free lives. I’m not sure how I made it to my age after experiencing such filth...

In what world do parents pay for college? Not in my world. I had to get the classic high interest federal aid because my parents supposedly made too much. The didn’t pay for a dime of my college and I had no college fund set up. Oh well, ive got a job and will be paying these things off for the rest of my life...

Came here for the same thing, ground up nachos placed in casing and cooked just like a hot dawg.  

Meh, Hes a good director, ill see it.

Why do people say things like “its cringe”?

Ok you keep posting that he filmed a kid. Where was this ever determined to be true?

Why the hell are we arguing this, they fit the damn definition of a concentration camp. If that word makes you feel uncomfortable, good! It should! Its like calling a white nationalist march a american pride rally, if it makes you feel OK to use one term and not another, maybe that should tell you something about what

I too enjoy all of those things. Especially sandwiches.

He really isnt that great at games. Hes better than most, but not better than most Twitch streamers. 

He isn’t THAT toxic but i have pretty thick skin and am not offended easily. All in all, the character is an asshole and he is a sore loser who isn’t necessarily that good at games. But he is enjoyable to watch for some reason, and he really shines when he is chatting with other streamers. They all really seem to like

No one is even sure there was a kid in the bathroom, its just become the cool thing to accuse him of. I saw someone on twitter saying that they were the “kid” and they were actually 19, but i’m not sure what came of that. However no one as far as I know has ever looked at that dudes ID, they just like saying he filmed

Haha, that’s cool then. I too find it hard to like things. 

Imagine liking actors.

They may be continuing it in Scarlett - the person who wrote the presser wouldnt have worded it that way if they didn’t want to leave it open for the Scarlett.

For me it was when he started calling people “cuck”. There is only one main group that loves that word...its not lifelong democrats...

This just in: Rich Athlete upset at Rich fan. I dont feel bad for any of them.

Does anyone know why these limited edition things often start in Australia? I remember the Xbox Onesie was originally exclusive to Australia as well.