This girl is my hero. Try being a black girl at a predominantly white school and then talk your shit.
This girl is my hero. Try being a black girl at a predominantly white school and then talk your shit.
If corporations are people then why can't I punch one in the fucking face?
Wow Tom, literacy is wasted on you.
Ew, I just can't with the white boy dreads.
Huh. Maybe I can start shopping there again...
Hm, he's kinda doin' it for me...
Noooo Adam Driver is invading my Tina Fey space :(
Literally everything is making me cry right now.
You have to at least try and understand the frustrations of people who work in this field - its beyond distressing to do your very best, feel like progress is being made, and then have my work characterized this way.
God, that is truly horrible. I can't imagine. I would certainly never wish by any means to trivialize the horrific threats of violence facing this woman or any other who faces state-sanctioned corporal punishment. No one should have to live under that threat. But no one should have to live with the threat of being…
Also, why don't you go ahead and check the definition of cultural relativity, because it's nowhere to be found in my posts.
Nope, not in school, hated writing papers when I was, but you keep making up cute little stories about me :) Whatever keeps you feeling safe in your weird little vacuum <3
Let's be real clear. I took issue with the eurocentrism present in the OP:
Wow, we are making all kinds of assumptions about total strangers today, aren't we? Not sure what difference it makes, but both of my parents are Europeans, so I kind of grew up with them in my house, not to mention I've lived there. Also, I do know some Muslim women, because they are literally everywhere, not that I…
Show me where I trivialized institutional misogyny in Iran. Criticizing Islamophobia =/= acceptance or promotion of gender-based violence in Iran. More than one shitty thing can happen in the world at the same time.
At no point in my posts have I ever excused any violence against Muslim women by ANYONE. I'm gonna go ahead and copy and paste this here:
If Europe such a bad place for Muslim women, why in the hell there are so many illegal/legal immigrants flocking European from muslim countries?
Maaaaam, my robot's broken!