I love a good peplum.
I love a good peplum.
Don't hassle them about when they need time off, or about the afternoon dentist appointment, or when they are sick, or if they prefer doing their work at 2:30 a.m. naked eating Cheetos under their desk.
I have the worst crush on Dascha.
But I looooove her...
Dude I toootally get where you're coming from, BUT as a large be-titted Flamenco dancer who wears sports bras regularly, I personally wouldn't complain about more sports bras on the market that cater to my desire for aesthetics and functionality. I'm kinda in this weird spot as a flamenco dancer with large tits who…
Good job! WOW.
Awwwwww!!! Go forth and be hot together :)
Goo goo ga ga
Who the fuck are you?
OMFG, it's her own goddamn body and she didn't ask for your fucking opinion.
Before some wounded dude comes along and insists that OKC-messaging a stranger "Wanna give me head?" counts as a "liberated approach to sexual etiquette," let me preemptively say that it's not.
This one's great because the music is actually diegetic:
Mmm, fettucine alfredo...
Jenna Marbles has a great argument for this:
I'm a hold-out and I find the pressure to get a smartphone enormous. I was applying to DOG-WALKING jobs and employers were requiring people to have smartphones. One even said "iPhone preferred." Like who the fuck are you? You think the people who need to take a part-time job picking up dog shit can afford iPhones?
You are a badass.
Don't mind me if i don't feel a bunch of people getting together online and collectively being offended by something is time well spent. Such people (in this instance) perhaps either don't understand the references (i.e. cake, box) or perhaps you're part of the growing culture of finding outrage where you can.
Please just don't. Just because you're not personally offended doesn't mean other people don't have a right to be. I don't really give a fuck that there have already been tons of comments about it. You don't have to invalidate people for bringing it up again just because it's old news to you.