What is there to rethink about this??
What is there to rethink about this??
Eventually, we return full circle to what I thought the term meant originally: A primer relationship full of value-added experience from woman to man, AKA, the Costco of girlfriends, from which a man goes onto make a terrific partner to some "Lucky" Lady Who Is Not You
Ew, really?
Here here! Bro is totally mansplaining this shit.
I kind of want to decorate my first apartment like the inside of Dolly Parton's tour bus:
Some Ike It Hot
Ugh, but it IS a big deal. It's total conundrum.
The borrowers are my number one concern.
Ugh, she has sooooo much fucking potential. Her voice is obvs beyond spectacular and girl can not only write, but we've also seen her put out a pretty damn solid concept album too. Not to mention, bitch has been an outspoken feminist for a minute now. I wish she would just get her head out of "staying relevant," or…
Ok, I'm super excited to have learned of Big Freedia, totally get the whole twerk-appropriation thing (not cool, fellow white people), but can we just talk for a second about how adorable that English Bulldog in the second video at 0:51 and 2:35 is?
You are a bad bitch. Love love love.
ooooo nice woooords :D That's some Sylvia-status shit.
Japanese culture is BANANAS.
:) I know, I was amazed when I read it.
I understand and have often shared your cynicism. I've gone back and forth between the "gaining control by letting go" tactic and the "something is better than nothing" one. There's probably a good number of people that are beyond repair in terms of unlearning -isms. But people can change, and I think the kernel thing …
I understand your point, and on the one hand I've always been pretty grateful to have this tool to filter out the people who think that, "women have an obligation to shave their legs," "interracial marriage is a bad idea," or "there exists a statistical correlation between race and intelligence." However, I'm…
And of COURSE the Jew they're hiding in the attic is a total babe. Pass the popcorn, I'm a downass bitch.