I'm baffled as to why Tracie thinks it's okay to blurt out gross gender policing statements like, "Men should never wear such-and-such." Please don't tell people what they can and can't wear based on their sex or perceived gender. Stop it. It's not helping anyone. It's the enemy of feminism. It's transphobic. It's…
Aaaah. "your from the millenium, but I'm a nineties bitch..."
Wait... how the hell is he 33? Are the books supposed to take place earlier than the time when they came out?
I want that dog. I want it.
Daw, Nick Cannon. What a sweetheart! It's been a bit of a rough night and this actually cheered me up. Who knew.
I can't even with the Rocky theme...
Lol, *educate
SO glad someone is finally fucking addressing this. It really feels like a lot of people don't even understand that this is an entire ethnic group of people with a culture that exists, not just some term for transient free spirited thieves. Yikes. Shaki's whole "I'm a Gypsy" song always pissed me off, even though I…
One of the coolest things gypsy culture in Spain has contributed to the world is flamenco.
This has potential, but I'm not going near it until I see a hot bitch in a swimsuit eat it in slow motion. I don't put anything in my mouth that doesn't remind me of my own jizz.
Can we have another fake scene where Daria and Trent get together? But with a Trent that looks more like Trent?
Hell naw, I'm 22 and I always loved that shit.
HOLY SHIT. 45 fucking percent of white users would "strongly prefer" to date within their race? Jesus. JESUS.
Yeah, I smell a big-ass rat. How do we get them to take the restriction off?
The age restriction only shows up if you try to access it directly from youtube.