
Corporeal punishment? Are they going to take my soul, or make my live in this body for eternity? Tell me more about corporeal punishment.

Seems like this would be pretty easy to prove as true.

I'm with wahoo. $220. to turn a knob —- worth every penny?? Bollocks!

Your'e full of shit. Worth every penny??????

"Your suggestion, clearly the result of an AM radio education, in the use of languange does not apply- you might try an english dictionary to help you with your spelling."

It's important to note that President Carter was dubious about the value of this bomber program and redirected the funding for the B-1B into another project called Have Blue. You probably know Have Blue by its more common name today- the Stealth Program via Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works.

How nobody thought to just stick a camera there and wait is beyond me.

Have you considered the possibility that a large number of scientist considered that, realized it isn't the answer, and now we have a story?

Can there be any doubt?

It's made of sand and looks like a sand dune, I'd say it's a sand dune. And it's probably formed the way most other sand dunes are; wind.

I feel like if you're not the type of person who has a spare USB keyboard and mouse laying around, you're probably not the type of person who would find any utility in a Raspberry Pi.

Look, we already know where this is going.

If only our Federal, State, and Local governments were interested in protecting these rights by providing well funded mechanisms for training, oversight and enforcement.

great post, very much enjoyed the narrative.

Look, in all honesty, this is a stupid story.

Excellent. Prepare my airship immediately.

Here's the final design