
He is a piece of shit in human form, no doubt, but adding guns to the mix, as well as “shoot your local rapist” is ridiculous in my opinion. What does it accomplish that the signs, protesting, and non-threat based signs, writing, chants do not? These kind of things can sometimes escalate; All it takes is one

Margery clearly wasn’t brainwashed, as evidenced by her being the only one to freak out before her end. Unfortunately, her theme throughout the entire series was her power being limited by the men she was attached to. The first was murdered with no clear claim to the throne, the second a monster who was poisoned, the

Its a proverb about stones and why we moved to using glass instead of stones instead of stones instead.

He should move, if he has neighbors and he is being excessively loud then he should move. That’s life, go get a place away from humans if you want to blast music or scream, the social contract (and actual contract) we sign to live next to one another entails we don’t disrupt them to a degree deemed unreasonable. I

Nice video Stephen.

Congratulations to the both of you, what an adorable way to pop the question. I wish both of you happiness and fun.

He just implied he is at work.

No better images available? These make the game look last-gen. Just thought it was doing a disservice to what a frigging gorgeous game it really is.

Such a great watch, hahaha loved watching this.

If i had a spider invasion the first thing i would do is burn the house down because SPIDER INVASION.

Just wanted to say i really enjoy your writing style, your reviews are up their with the best of them. Never played a souls game, then i went and played Bloodborne and adored the shit out of it. I’m hoping i can have that same feeling all of you did with DS1.

Not buying. Nope.

Depends on how patient they want to be. If i were them i’d wait a month, let (assuming they are not caught). Then i would create a multiple online accounts for ebay and slowly start siphoning them off, a few cards at a time. I mean unless the store owner wants to personally scope ebay all day everyday for the cards

So you start off saying Linke is an interesting character in her own right and much more than just the female version of link, and then go on to describe what i would characterize as a whole bunch of link-esque qualities (including the whole reincarnation of the hero who is happy to do hero stuff and help

Looks nice, i’ll for sure be picking it up. Always love going back into the world of Zelda, even if Twilight Princess wasn’t quite as good or memorable as Ocarina, Majora’s or Wind Waker. Still alot better than Skyward Sword.

To me that was one of the sort of “eureka” moments i had when playing FO4 that made me further understand why i just wasn’t having near as much fun as i thought i would. That moment could have been something really cool or hilarious, but the minute you get spotted it all ends in bloodshed. That is definitely one of

Unfortunately, the trailer does not really seem fitting at all with how he is supposed to play (as evidenced by his break-down today). Which is a shame, i know a lot of fans are kind of scratching their heads after the reveal.

No it wasn’t. Even Aonuma said it wasn’t.

Kicked my destiny habit about three weeks ago (fallout, MGSV, bloodborne DLC) but this just cements this as a full breakup with no reconciliation. No DLC = no reason to come back, just never gonna be into it. Kinda happy actually, i didn’t want to come back anyhow.

Way too much criticism of this season. This season had too much confusion, and couldn’t figure out what it wanted to be (noir, pulp, etc.), but the last three or so episodes did a ton to improve the season as a whole, but as A.V. Club stated, there was a potency to it that will linger on, despite numerous trip-up’s