
Did you HEAR that?!

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I don't think I can look at any other game the same way without the L.A. Noire motion cap technology. Everything just seem so much uglier (Example: Oblivion or Alan Wake)

Got to love it when games reference other games, especially if it's done well.

I can't help it. Luckily though I buy most of my games when they're like $10-$20

That TAY picture is great. Good job Prof.Gast

I can't explain it either, but what I can say is that I love the satisfying explosion of a baneling in a group of marines. Gets me all giddy with excitement.

Can we be in agreement and say #3 was the best one out of the bunch and that we'd like a poster of it?

Same boat. I purchase games more than ever but I just don't play them as much as I used to and that's not because of time constraints all that much, but because I don't feel like it :(


I'm content with what free stuff is available. I'm not to choosy as long as they're decent games. Also they could be giving us newer games and people will still find a way to bitch and whine about it.

I'm in Canada and I can confirm online works, just not Blops (for me).

I'm unable to play Blops, but I should test an online game.

Rule 1 regarding Rare: WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT Rare (anymore)

I'm sure there is going to be at least 1 "surprise" game that will release this year and I ain't talking about the Halo Remake

Is any one else getting the "maintenance" message?

Not bad.

You have a shot in court, but hopefully you won't make a buck on something so stupid (I know it's a joke :P)

He doesn't seem to be there. I'm guessing he's doing everything in sidelines.

You've been warned.