
@Dr. Evil Genius: Cold as Winter: My problem is caused by hormones, not some external sources: some hormones are making the sebaceous glands to fail, causing the abnormal skin condition and this leads to dandruffs... But for other and more common cases bad shampoo is the problem. Well, that's what my doctor said.

I could agree that not using soap is a good thing only when we're talking about a quick shower, just to wash away the dirt and sweat... But you really need to have a good bath (or shower) with soap and shampoo from time to time. I have a slight seborrhea and I have to wash my hair with specific shampoo or else I'll

Even though it's fast, I find Chrome much better... It's even faster, lighter and no glitches till now in my case. I've installed that Firefox beta and guess what... It doesn't scroll immediately after loading, uses 148.000K of memory and I don't like the interface. I think I'll stick with Chrome...

We in Lithuania have a choice: buy a CD that costs half of your week's salary or download it free... And guess what people choose...

If I've had a tale, I'd walk it too... just for fun

And this was my very first one in 2002... the funny thing is that it was old already back in the day

Yep, I'm a victim too. 2 years ago my laptop and my beloved camera got stolen from my room in students hostel... I now realize how dumb I was to just leave it there on my desk (It's almost like writing "Take me, please" on it) with absolutely no protection. The only thing I'm happy about is that it was a clean windows

there's a game like that in

Some nice aiming, I gotta say...

wow, it sure looks like it was made originally like this XD

Now I really want it since I'm using 2G... And it's starting to get on my nerves because of failing hardware.

Reminds me of this...