
You may have noticed my use of quotes around “moderate Republican,” thus indicating that he really wasn’t... at least not in any sense that distinguished him much from the rest of his party at that time.

I’m hearing that already....Kamala is the new Hillary in that “they” are saying she is the “anointed”one.  You can bet that if she does get the nomination, they will indeed scream fraud and take their toys home and not vote.

Well, you’re kinda neglecting a pretty major difference.

Well, of course. Because neither Jamaicans nor people of south asian descent authentically eat spicy food the way techbros do.

No, they’d be right. His campaign didn’t “work”, because he wasn’t elected, and probably helped Trump win with a wildly divisive spirit from his acolytes after the fact... and frankly, ongoing. He certainly can be proud of some of his stances and some of his influence, but overall, those issues would have fared better

Bernie can eat a bag of dicks. Bernie can take his cult members supporters and go back to Vermont to continue accomplishing nothing in the Senate. Is the press going to continue to give him a free pass or are they too busy reporting on Amy Klobuchar’s all caps emails or that time Kirsten Gillibrand was less than gracio

I don’t have the energy to rant about Bernie right now but I will say he (not unlike Trump), is a less intelligent, less hardworking embodiment of Snowball from Animal Farm. This is, once again, about his narcissism and need for power and not the country. Bernie achieved jack shit in the senate, all he has done is get

I like that Bernie has moved the party left and if he becomes the nominee then I would vote for him of course, but I was never really a big supporter of his and I think part of my dislike for him or my hesitation about his candidacy comes from his supporters. Since the 2016 election, I’d hear about how Bernie should

I’m legitimately curious - Sanders got handed a huge platform after 2016, what has he done with it exactly? I haven’t heard of him playing any real role in helping to ensure Democrats hold fast against Republicans in the Senate, he hasn’t proposed any major legislation that I’m aware of and I believe the candidates he

Make no mistake about it. The powerful special interests in this country have unbelievable power and they want to maintain the status quo. They have unlimited amounts of money to spend on campaigns and lobbying and have huge influence over the media and political parties.

And Bernie is not a Democrat.

He’s learned nothing from his previous run and is just as tone-deaf as ever.

To be fair, if Bernie hadn’t run, those same people would refuse to vote for the party that suppressed Bernie’s desire to run.

Bernie has a lot to answer for. He ran a deeply misogynistic campaign. He encourage and sanctioned his Bros to harass women and non-supporters (but mostly females who had the temerity to hold different views). Moreover, his Bros were key in spreading Russian propaganda. I don’t think any feminist can forget how his

For me, Bernie Sanders is a little like Jesus Christ.


They ripped Kamala apart over the weekend for having hot sauce. Trust and believe, these Berners are going to be a whole lot of mess again. 

I can already hear the conspiracy theories around how he lost the primary and all the Bernie bros refusing to vote ‘for a fraud’ and telling us how we all ‘deserve another 4 years of Trump’ for what we did to Bernie.

He’d better watch it. I think MacMueller is gathering in Birnam Wood. It’ll be a short, quick movement towards Trumpsinane.

Uh pretty sure that word for it is “murder” and would be prosecuted as such. But he’s trying to make the idea that “late term abortions” are that instead of horrific choices a woman has to make when she hears the words “incompatible with life” from her doctor about a desperately wanted child. In any case, FUCK HIM.