
“Bad” implies that the music is just mildly annoying. I’d have gone with “I wish someone would jam an ice-pick in my ear to make it stop annoyingly awful music.” Also, a BMW wagon and a Mini are not the cars I’d like to recreate the opening sequence to the original Italian Job with (though if the aforementioned


Exactly -

All of those except for the bus one need a “Kinja’d” tag. Except for the bus. That just needs an “ Approves This Message.”

Are they bringing back the Phantom Corsair?

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

I have loved whale sharks since I was a young child. I found a thick “animals of the world” type book with small print and a few grainy black and white photos in my parents’ library, and it became my treasure. One of those little photos was of a whale shark, and I was permanently enthralled. It looked like it was

Impressive tech, heartbreaking concept.

I just think it’s fantastic that the 24 Hours of Lemons has been influential enough in racing to spawn something bigger.

Carpenter Brut is awesome.

Turbo Killer was a better driving film than Fury Road.

With the exception of “Wake the President”, his entire catalog is amazing.

Lazerhawk’s “Redline” is another good synth album with a slight driving focus.

I’ve had to buy so many of these. They always come apart at the end and fray.

I’ve had to buy so many of these. They always come apart at the end and fray.

My 6' cable is starting to get wonky, but that’s after 1 year of use.

My 6' cable is starting to get wonky, but that’s after 1 year of use.

Tom, you are reaching dangerous levels of sarcasm. When this much sarcasm is placed together you can create a critical mass of snark that will detonate and consume good intentions within a one week radius.

Now playing

Good as Hell by Lizzo may not be that well-known yet, but it damn well should be the song of the summer. Check out this amazing video:

Does it really matter?

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.