
Makes sense to me. +1

TLDR: They won’t take me out of grays. So let me save you time.

Again, couldn’t happen to a better guy! Saw his pictures on the Gulfstream G650 too. He’s really feeling the pinch.

An adaptor for the adaptor...

This response for the MF win.

I think you’ve summed it up perfectly. So then to a degree, don’t Lambo and Christian von K also know to whom they are selling a car? Of course it could be through 3rd party agents representing him. Just some thoughts...
(EDIT: I see this has been addressed above)

I THOUGHT this was the same guy who had the Paris situation. Couldn’t happen to a better person.

Slow news day?

Came here to mention Tom Mabe. Not disappointed. Thank you.

I came here for exactly this. Thank you.


That’s true. It is.

And could I get out of the grays someday? Pretty please?

Nitpicking here, but I thought I had heard that the B-2 by itself was more than a billion dollars per example, since they reduced the original order? Correct me because I’m probably wrong.

So just, Rocket all the things? Why was I not a military engineer/pilot in the ‘60s?

I did it at age 21 with less than 100$. I say do it! I’m an older dad now and I can’t.

Does she look like adult actress Lisa Ann?

came here for this

It’s not very hard to hold back the depth of water from the tailgate. One person can do it and let it out slowly.

You have to flush the antifreeze from it, remove the thermostat (Cold water intake makes it think the engine isn’t warm yet = no flow through), and use a booster pump cheap marine bilge pump) to prime the system because the ordinary water pump can’t pull enough suction.