
MJ tried to get them to let him use it. They refused. This (pretty decent looking) replica was made in it's place. I believe it may have been up for auction in the last few years somewhere.

Looking for discussions from people in the airlines. Anybody?

The top pic is of an existing yacht that is not a sub. I want this to be true, but it isn't.

The one with stereo and everything MIGHT be one that I've read about. Not an actual Tucker, but a recreation that a very talented builder made, I believe for his dad. Modern interior and new V8. Can't find info on it, but I will eventually.

I'm not picking on the recent content. It's great. But the first few years, with Fantasy Garage for instance,

I have an interest in this particular discussion, and the consumption is not quite a gallon a foot, but it is still staggering. As near as I can tell, it burns about 29 gallons per nautical mile.

My wife is slowly coming around to Arrested Development, and is obsessed with IMDB. She told me about Grand Prix and I immediately turned off AD and started GP. Sure enough.... I just couldn't erase the older version from my mind. It was difficult to think she was hot.

Have seen both on the road in Michigan between Detroit and Grand Haven on the other side of the state. The Futureliner, to be fair, was on a trailer.


So the first guy is the Dad from Webster if I'm reading his name right?

I think that RC helicopter guys have been doing way better moves than this for years in what are called "3-D" competitions. All over youtube. Now I know it's not automated, but it's single-rotor and variable-pitch blades and very impressive.

My wife and I rented one in the Netherlands. Quirky and charming to the max. I'd do it again and it's the only car my wife gets excited about, so I'll take it.

The castle that this guy and his brother live in was featured on the travel channel a while back. They live a pretty good life. I recognized the yellow lambo. His brother is a techno musician called Peaceman. Very unique people.

Do my eyes play tricks on me? Or do you have at least 2 Detroit ladies up in the picture on top?

I'm pretty sure the Tuatara is sort of famous for NOT evolving much. Being a close relative to ancient reptiles and all that. Pretty sure it has a nickname of "living fossil". That may make me a nerd, but that also makes claims of fast evolving DNA pretty inaccurate.

Roseville, MI?

I'm poor and from Detroit and have been to Monaco twice. Yes everybody should go. Stay 5 minutes outside of Monaco in affordable(but nice) Nice. Cheap train ride to the big show.

@jakebonz: Prerelease. I see what you did there.

Any Countach picture/poster I saw from age 6-8.