
because you wouldn't have 3 lug nuts on a car the size of a Silverado, nor would you want 6 on a car the size of a smart car. The pattern varies by wheel size, the load needs, and cost. I used to think that all 5 lug wheels were interchangeable. I was very wrong. But I agree that all vehicles with 5 lugs, should use

They also don't shift 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. It may go, 1-3-5-6-7 or something. It all depends the shift mapping, and the combination of sensors.

I see your point, but what cars have grilles made out of metal anymore? Between European pedestrian safety standards, fuel economy standards, and cost, I doubt there are very many.

didnt take that long. Just look up Ron Swanson on google images, then select the Image type as animated.

First I

You are aware that Mercedes has a deal with Tesla, and Tesla uses some parts from Mercedes cars, right?

I think it looks cool

Am I strange for preferring the look of the notchback fox body Mustang to the fastback one?

And what he means is by cars that are easily affordable.

Who needs suspension?

Okay you

Let's be honest, servicing any new car sucks. They design cars for the assembly line, because in theory, they're engineered perfectly. I work at a dealership, and I can say for certain, cars are essentially designed to be thrown out when anything more than oil needs to be serviced. I can't do an oil change on a 2008

The ford 3.0L Vulcan engine. It's a bit thirsty, and not very powerful, but it is damn reliable. When something does go wrong with a Vulcan, it's usually a cheap, easy fix, that anyone with basic tools can do. It's old school, cam in block, 2 valves per cylinder, cast iron block and heads, spark plugs on the side of

Of course we can be internet friends! :D I actually just caught a lucky break at a Jeep dealer.

I also want a 4C. And the thing that irks me most about blaming "Millennials," is when the older people say we're lazy or entitled. If we're that way, it's how we were raised. Second, I don't know many people around my age who don't want to work, they just can't find a decent job that isn't seasonal. It's not that we

I like you.

If you live 5 minutes from a hospital, normally it'd take longer to call 911 for an ambulance, wait for it, then get the patient there. There also isn't a good chance of the average person knowing they have acute appendicitis, until it's too late. I'm just giving that as an example. Also, after I'm sure I've offended

Your wife needs you to drive her to the hospital because her appendix has ruptured/is having a severe asthma attack, and there was no time to wait for an ambulance. You get pulled over for this shit, she dies so that fewer people die on the road. Government Logic.

Sorry! I misunderstood. I apologize if I was rude.