
Well, hello there cute Jon Snow with cute puppy.

I would consider it pure evil to make anyone or any age give birth to a child they didn't want.

Do you use the Furminator? Seriously the best weapon against shedding ever invented.

It makes me feel so angry and powerless when this shit happens. /HULK SMASH

It is pure evil to make 13 year olds go through childbirth.

They do require different strategies but overall access to healthcare and education will help impact both. Girls and woman having access to information and resources helps combat all kinds of abuse.

You know what? Nobody cares that you have a thigh gap.

This wasn't actual animosity, it was an attempt at a humblebrag. #aggrobrag

Well, we got that out of the way rather quickly, who's up for a round of drinks?

Jeez, she didn't say anything negative about your thigh gap; she was talking about being perfectly happy with her own lack of thigh gap, because that's not how her body is built or what she wants for her body and she's okay with that, despite external pressures and criticism. Her love for her body type doesn't mean

She's not attacking your thigh gap, hon. She's saying she would have to starve herself in order to get a thigh gap on her frame. She's not attacking other people with thigh gaps.

I’m not saying women who have it naturally are unattractive. But I would have to change my entire frame just to achieve something that seems so trivial.

I think you missed the point of the article.
Unless you're joking, of course.

I'm fairly well versed in media literacy, as much as I am in feminism, which is what ultimately led me to be a frequent reader of Jezebel. I suppose I can see how my original comment can be interpreted as you have, and so I'm going to zero in on precisely what removes it from universal considerations: "Men like myself,

It creeped me out that all the alterations amount to making her more like a Barbie. Smaller waist, long thin neck supporting a large head, enormous eyes, long legs and tiny feet that wouldn't support the weight of the body. Creepy.

The problem is that these are the images that we are fed every day - including our young daughters/nieces/cousins/etc. What we need is legislation that requires altered images to have a notice on them stating that this image has been altered and providing a link which viewers can follow to see the original, unedited

This is a money-making idea, so listen HARD - let's invent Google Glass that automatically photoshops all other human beings into perfection! Problem solved!

I dunno, whoever did the 'shoop on this doesn't know jack about the human body. Jesus, the proportions on the 'shoopped model are grotesque. When they elongate her neck, it looks like she's in traction!

This is exactly why I stopped letting myself feel bad with these "photos" in ads/magazines/etc. The models don't even look half as good as what they make them out to be.

Humans don't desire other humans. They desire idols and believe themselves gods.