
They should just put in a beer garden and decorative fountain and just say "there. Drinking. Fountain. Shut the hell up."

Because a free-standing water cooler is wildly insufficient. Post-abortion sips of water require the variable-flow drinking fountain because it is essential for your recovery that you get water all over your face, filtered through that one long lock of hair that just won't stay back in a ponytail with all the rest.

I once had an ingrown toenail that became infected and then broke off and had to be surgically removed. When I tried to leave, my toe was so swollen that I couldn't get out the narrow door. Will no one think of the people with feet?

This Pence idiot is mentioned repeatedly by the political chatterers as a potential GOP 2016 presidential candidate.

Yes. Small government = a government small enough to fit inside your uterus. Duh.

This just in: Doctors now have to legally inform all patients that getting an abortion could cause you to die of thirst.

I was one of those oh so lucky kids who had four wicked impacted wisdom teeth. The burrowing into your skull kind of impacted wisdom teeth. My dental surgery man gave me oxycontin after the extraction. I've heard those drugs are rather dangerous/addictive. They should only be prescribed in places where you can

Everyone knows that "small government" means "small government inside the home and all up in your business." C'mon.

Oh my GOD I hate this. I live not too far away from this clinic, and those idiot protesters are always out there, harassing women. This is what happens when we take those curbside fools and elect them to public office. I can't believe the tea partiers like Pence still get away will telling people they want "small

No! I'd call you a "debater." We don't agree 35%* of the time, but you're always informed, articulate, and polite. You don't argue for the sake of arguing like a cranky three year old or an MRA. Give yourself more credit. :)

It seems that as far as Gawker Media goes, a hierarchy in the commentariat is pretty much necessary to keep the trolls, spammers, and outright psychopaths to manageable levels. Of course, everyone knew that already, but for now I'm just excited that an article like this not only doesn't have trolls as the top

Restricting abortion doesn't stop abortion. Easier access to contraception, comprehensive sex education, and programs that support women will reduce the number of abortions and that's it.

To me, the real issue why anti-choice advocates will never understand the real evil of this story is that they really don't care about nor understand the motivations of the poor and the marginalized.

I certainly would agree with you, though I think its more of a horror story about sex education and health care access than abortion per se. But its also ammunition for the other side just by its very nature.

I had to hide a number of people on my FB feed because their discussions about this case made my head explode. And I keep getting summoned to threads to explain how this is different than from any other abortion, because they all know I'm vocally and stridently pro-choice. Its infuriating.

I mentioned in another story today I used to work for PP and did sex education in schools, so I've been immersed in anti-choice rhetoric for about 20 years. This would be the logic: the guys is clearly disturbed, because he performed 'abortions', which are murder, which destroys your soul, and makes you disturbed. Its

Ugh. I gave up on ages ago for that very reason.

I'm having such a hard time wrapping my head around any sane and rational person actually equating PP and Gosnell. Then I remember I live in America, and I am loathe to ever look at Facebook again. I like your idea, though! I might have to steal it.

How about the fact that this guy is clearly disturbed? Who keeps fetuses in jars except psychos? (eta: "Prosecutors have cited the dozens of jars of severed baby feet [...]" *cry*)I bet someone, somewhere, is turning it into a "performing abortions turns people into monsters," argument, ignoring the fact that this man

I'm a Philly girl too and I really couldn't agree more. The anti-choicers in this town, especially those who choose to comment on the article (Side note: if you ever want to see real life examples of the failure humanity you should really, really check out the comment section of a article;