
Yeah. He even acknowledges that men are attracted to women, and sometimes makes a joke out of it. Fuckin' patriarch.

Oh, get a grip.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I thought you just said because the richest man in Japan is apparently a Korean, it therefore means Japan isn't racist. I responded that just because the US President is black, it doesn't mean the US isn't racist. Because it is.

I think if they were to remake FFVII, I'd actually WANT them to go all out. Change it up a bit, add some new stuff, go crazy. Really modernise it.

Seriously? 'If America is so racist, why is a black man the president'? That's a terrible, terrible argument.

I don't think this should really be a tit-for-tat on who's most racist. The relevance here is the racism within Japan, not within Korea or China - which have their own issues with racism, indeed.

Indeed there is.

Ah, the days before bloggers took over the mainstream media.

Dude, you're literally siding with racists here.

I don't see how that applies here. She obviously knew what she was wearing was Korean. This is simply some Japanese people's hatred of Koreans causing them to get all huffy. Like she's supposed to just wear Japanese clothes in Japan or something.

This says much, much more about Japan's racism than it does about Lady Gaga.

I would hazard that it's the fact Gawker's afraid of looking sexist (as we've seen people someone assert this already) that this issue has erupted. So no, if io9 had wrote that article, I'd figure they'd just handle it without spreading the issue to every other blog under the umbrella.

Why did you just imply that the inaction had anything to do with the sex of the Jezebel writers? Do you have ANY supporting evidence for that? Because it looks a lot like you just cried wolf, played the misogyny card to, I dunno, give your argument a sense of victimhood. Do you have any idea how irresponsible that is?

'Victim blaming'. Jesus. Get a sense of proportion, eh? That's almost as bad as the Jezebel writers writing 'We're not paid enough to deal with this!!!!'

I think you need to respect that being mildly offensive is still a part of civil conversation. It's almost a must in my country's parliament. There's nothing wrong with mildly provocative language, some glib remarks, some gentle mockery of the other person's opinion. That's just all a part of rhetoric.

So to be clear, you should have to have a Facebook or professional site to comment on Gawker? Nah.

Yeah, let's make both generals male. That'll go down a treat.


er. These pictures are by Klein.

I've never been disgusted by a game, quite genuinely. It's always been easy for me to see it as totally unreal. Movies, on the hand, I could name so many.