
I don't get why people are saying this has nicer graphics. I don't think it does, at all.

Wait, wait, WAIT. I thought that was Marth? Who the fuck is Lucina? What the fuck is going on? Have I just been spoiled - nay - RUINED?!

Don't get me wrong! Monster was good, I haven't seen Planetes, mind you. And I can even think of some others, like Death Note. All very good, but not new, not pushing the field forward. Of course there are a lot of underground anime which have shown real potential, but they haven't broke through. And to change things,

How backwards.

"Japanese people aren't interested in things that don't change."

I think it's so cool that he got to enjoy his individuality before he gives it up.


Actually never mind. I thought, from your incredibly general statement, you were an idiot. Your argument's clearly based on a lot of thought and theory. I don't think it would stand up to scrutiny should it be attacked by someone knowledgable in economics (inability to profit from immaterial works destroys the

The economist in you needs to go back to school. Our world operates on immaterial goods.

I was just browsing this article, but I couldn't help be caught by this. I've been debating a lot lately, mainly about religion. I study law, it's just a thing I do.

Agree with all of it, but in the UK, our politicians are paid something like £66k a year.

Jesus. Other than Microsoft's deplorable ethics, this is why I don't own an X Box. It seems to just be inundated with entitled brats.


Jesus. Get a grip, man.


Piss off.

I think perhaps the best thing about Hyrule Warriors, as a Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors fan, is watching you guys get real pissed off about character inclusions/possible exclusions.

You'd think he'd say thanks at some point.

If these people want to see an anti-Nintendo slant they should head over to Polygon. I don't think it's some agenda, I just think they have a decidedly West preference.

It shocked me, too. More shocking, though, was that many who replied to that comment simply accepted it on face value.