
That's good, too, but not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about, I guess, the use of the gyroscope. When you bring the keyboard up to type, and press (I think) R3, the controller goes into motion controller mode, and...

I dunno, though. The way the Playstation 4 lets you turn the controller into a pointer makes me think if you wanted, you could work the controller as a mouse.

Man, I really want the real Civilisation on console. Wasn't really feeling Revolution.

Aww maaaan. I was really hoping for Civ VI. And on PS4.

That's great to hear! I hope Quiet is a fully formed character!

Er... The two can coexist. Anime has done this for decades. It's not new idea.

I think it would be brilliant. A trans protagonist in a video game, who will definitely be about more than her gender.

Er. Skullface?

What was distasteful about Ground Zeroes' handling of torture? Is it the rape tape? If so, I'm curious why you found it distasteful.

I think it's a real shame that this will be considered in poor taste, because it's a twist. A lot of gay story lines were about the character coming out. It's an evolutionary step toward inclusion. But Kojima will be blasted for this. And it's a shame. Because Quiet will be one of the fist trans protagonists in a

He looks A LOT like Oberyn.

I would have bought, and been happy with a PS4 as an investment if it had included backward comparability. Since it didn't, and Ground Zeroes was released on PS3, I didn't bother.

The thing about Kotaku, though, is that in the comment sections, whenever someone is a prick or discriminatory, there's usually 50 people shooting them down. It's something that was always encouraging to me. If these people are simply wiped away like they don't exist, I won't get to enjoy the fact that for every one

And thank you!


I read somewhere that this game allowed some sort of same sex thing, then actively removed it. Can anyone clarify that for me?

Hey, man. Great comment. Could you make a list of guys women are allowed to be attracted to so I can pass it around my area?

You seem to have some deep-seated, shame related issues regarding sex.

Jesus, are these commenters from Cromwell's England? Who cares?

The difference is that the character and persona animations don't exist. You're simply picking moves from a menu and imagining the beast or character using it. I like to see the character or persona and their animation because it adds to the level of immersion. Merely having a menu takes me right out of the game.