Just because she doesn't know the phrase "slut shaming" doesn't mean she isn't an expert in it.
Just because she doesn't know the phrase "slut shaming" doesn't mean she isn't an expert in it.
"Of course, neuroscientists and medical practitioners would never dare to ask a patient the all-important question: 'Do you wish to keep on living?' Bioethics boards would have a conniption over this. And arguably it could be interpreted as a violation of the Hippocratic Oath — though a strong case can be made to the…
Technically, her name is different—this is Clara Oswin, versus the Oswin Oswald of Asylum of the Daleks. Presumably, this is her great-great-great grandmother or something.
Men are generally loners? Has she ever heard of a street gang? Or the Elks Club? Or the Vatican?
LOL! Good for you, and maybe I'll end up where you are someday soon! :) Except of the three kids—we've got two, and that is plenty! Except when I see someone new mama at the hospital with her tiny, curled-up newborn...then I think, "Well, maybe just one more!" :)
That's not necessarily true. When I was a young adult, I had an AMAZING body. Honestly, it really was. And I did absolutely nothing to create it—I ate shitty fast food incessantly and never, ever worked out. I just was born with genes for a decent metabolism and big boobs, and it was awesome.
If there isn't a way, there should be! You can definitely donate to government work—people have donated something like eight million dollars to pay down the national debt—so why shouldn't we be able to donate for this?
I'm fairly sure Elizabeth I and Henry VIII were, in fact, people. ;P
"I think it would be easier if the wife had the blue skin."
I'm 35, and that is my absolute favorite book ever. I've read it at least twenty times, and I'm sure I'll read it twenty more. I had no idea it was an Oprah book; I simply love it.
My husband literally shouted at the tv, "Who the hell is Philip? Why aren't they having sex yet?!" He's very much in favor of Mulan and Aurora getting together, and seriously, I pretty much agree with him.
I would give Jez a great many advertising clicks if they would get Henry Rollins to write for them. That would be AMAZING.
No idea. We used to have a commenting system here that let frequent, approved commenters instantly ban people who said shit like that, but it got replaced with this bizarre Kinja thing, and now there's not much we can do about it, other than ignore it and know that it's nothing to do with you whatsoever—it's just…
I think everything about Elf on a Shelf is odd and creepy. It spies on your kids and reports on them to Santa? What kind of control freak parent invented that? Thank God my kids are scared of them and have no desire to buy one. The Feminist Breeder has an absolutely hilarious post about Parenting and the Elf Wars:…
Do you read thefbomb.org? I know it's aimed at people your age (although you are of course welcome here too!). And ignore the gross, horrid troll. Hopefully he'll get banned shortly.
Lo and behold, the humorless bulldog snarkers have arrived! Nice job, people! And by someone whose username implies that useless, unhealthy animals should be evolved out of existence.
Picture please! Also, please tell your friend that I have seen her picture at least a hundred times on Pinterest in the past week or two, and every time I shriek (quietly, so as not to scare people), "OMG, SO GORGEOUS! I want it!" Did she make it herself? It is incredible, and she is absolutely lovely.
Don't be conflicted! They look awesome other than three poorly-thought-out toys. Send them a stern letter, help get them to fix those issues, and then buy all their other awesome stuff!
My husband was in the Navy for 20 years, and he was a *much* better seamstress (or whatever the male version is), clothes ironer, and housekeeper than I was, because he had no choice but to do all that stuff for himself and do it well.
No, none of those examples would count, because none of them involve felony sexual assault.