
Me too! First thought: "Ha. Cheesy. Who would watch a movie called 'Labor Day'?" Second thought: "Actually, that would kind of totally work. It's actually really clever." @Quasi, You should probably write a letter to the film studio and offer to sell them your idea.

Wait, what? Brontosaurus(es) didn't exist? WTH? I can accept that my kids' dinosaur books now call them Apatosaurs, but they didn't exist at all? You have just destroyed my childhood. Congratulations.

Maybe they are, but we'll never know unless they at least get offered the option, right?

That statement really makes me physically nauseated. How can anyone be so intentionally cruel?

It also damages your blood vessels and connective tissues, so it's harder to heal when you do scratch holes in your face, and your skin gets saggy and misshapen because the underlying tissue that should be supporting it breaks down.

That poor woman. I cannot imagine how terrified she must have been when she realized how far along she was and had to deliver the a 20-week fetus at home. Jesus.

My mother was a devout Catholic and staunch conservative. She was also a woman who got pregnant unexpectedly at age nineteen, mere weeks after marrying my dad, due to lack of access to anything except the Rhythm Method, and if she were still alive, she would be horrified and outraged that the possibility of Roe v.

"...urban literatti who wouldn't touch iceberg lettuce with a 10-foot pole"

As I understand it, they're not rich; in fact, most of them live at the poverty line. They do not believe in any kind of higher education, generally do not serve in the Israeli military, and the men devote their lives almost entirely to religious study. However, they have a birthrate that is something like triple the

Seriously, when Elizabeth Warren spoke, she was fucking ELECTRIC. As she said her thank-yous and walked offstage, my husband said, "Who is that woman? I would vote for her right this minute. Elizabeth Warren 2016!"

That SO needs to be a meme.

She looks exactly like I imagined her to look. I love her work so, so much.

If you click through to the article, it says she has a smile on her face. There's a little one—it looks like she just thought something funny (and probably brilliant and cutting and totally original) to herself.

Another more accurate headline would be "Person From Sexist Culture Does Sexist Thing."

The statistic that half of marriages in the United States end in divorce is a really inappropriate generalization. Divorce rates peaked more than 20 years ago and have been dropping ever since. Also, the rate varies hugely depending on who you are talking about. A woman with a college degree who marries for the first

@Eaglenose means "Do you drive a Saturn?" ;)

That's a good point. I was only thinking of legal procedures, but I suppose there are times when you could be told to do a procedure that might be legal but still wrong in that instance or cause your license (and your personal ethics) to be endangered.

I'm not even sure I like the idea that you can simply decide you don't want to be part of certain procedures just because you don't like them. I don't like keeping people alive in horrible pain when they have absolutely terminal illnesses; I think they should be allowed to die peacefully. But plenty of people

What does that have to do with it? An embryo is a living cell, of course. I have no problem with that. But an embryo also isn't a child; that's why we call it an embryo instead of "Jane" or "Mark." Just because it's alive doesn't mean that it is a person, or that anyone has the right to use my internal organs as a

"she told me that she believed life began at conception because she was a nurse"