I think you mean only he can hear it. Cause that’s how dog whistles work.
I think you mean only he can hear it. Cause that’s how dog whistles work.
Everything you say boils down to some just world “it’ll never happen to me/they deserve to be poor” bullshit. Enron’s employees were supposed to know their C suite was defrauding everyone? You’ll always make the right moves at the right time?
You’re as white as the day is long
“Don’t like your job, just quit and get a better job!”
You could’ve driven from SF on the 101, listened to the entire game on the radio, and arrived at the stadium in a quick 15 or 18 hours.
Robert Griffin is like that freshman in college who goes through 5 roommates his first semester because all of THEM are crazy.
Oh boy, its one of those sovereign citizen Moors. FTP but I can not deal with the Moors either. Misinterpreting Black’s Law Dictionary and calling everyone a slave while begging for donations. He looks like he follows King Noble’s dusty ass.
I’m in complete agreement with you. I do this all the time. I spot something and decide it’s not worth saving so I smash it more. Old lady’s house with the falling in porch, smashed. That old desk sitting by a uhaul, smash. That lawnmower looks like it don’t run right, smash. A person with late stage cancer, smash.…
That’s the thing. Body camera footage has already been released that contradict the police narrative.
The Raptor isn’t for hauling things. Unless its beer, your bro’s out to the dunes or the lake or ASS!!!!!! The Raptor is for the weekends and to let other bro’s know that your top bro. The Raptor is status, The Raptor is a pu**y magnet and a d*ck magnet. The Raptor is total, bro.
So your theory rests on the idea that these police officers cleared the area but somehow missed Bennett when they were doing so? Interesting.
This was always going to be a shitty week given that DACA was rescinded. But as a Pats fan who lives on St Thomas, and who hasn’t heard from anyone in 24 hours, has no idea if his office or home are still standing, and has no idea when he can go home, this is pretty much the only thing in my life that I’m going to…
Kind of feel like bullies with badges should explain extreme actions rather than have victims tell their story. Why should it be that the police get their jollies listening to a big, strong, football player complain that an officer overpowered him?
All you have to know is Warlocks are the baddest mofos in the Universe! Warlock 4 life!
What you don’t understand and completely downplay in paragraph form is that it also serve as an investment in your team, as artmodell insurance.
#1 I have still not officially announced my candidacy.
Totally different. Zeke’s case is totally different. And the league definitively did not use a lack of cooperation as a basis for his suspension. It admits as much in the suspension letter. It can’t change the basis for his suspension after the fact. The league punished Brady all along for failing to cooperate. The…
He graduated Magna Cum Donkey Sauce!
This is not a progressive franchise in the least. Just because Seattle and Baltimore have joined them in embarrassing themselves over Kaep does not change the fact that all types of crap smearing him came out of that front office earlier in the process.