
You should update your pop culture references. Weekly World News stopped printing in 2007.

After the wet fart that was last night, it felt real good. Until Ubaldo tried to put Boston right back in it.

Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.

which is why Pheel was sayin’ “BAH BAH”

Thank the gods that Simms won’t be on the CBS’s marquee game. He is garbage, and can barely put together a goddamned coherent thought, but bumping Romo to the so-called A-Team. Sounds a little aggressive/ambitious.

While I’m 100% behind this (you could sub out “Tony Romo” with “a tape loop of garbled subway announcements” and I would be 100% behind this), isn’t replacing your top guy with a total amateur, as opposed to one of the multiple qualified and experienced commentators you already employ, a bit of a concession that this

They’re keeping Simms healthy for the games in December, just in case.


Either you’re a university administrator here to troll, or you missed the shit out of your calling in life.

3.2. Three teams plus the Jets.

Getting all reddit up in this spot.

The State legislature just gave the AG the power to file these lawsuits. Maryland wanted to be in on the first one, but any such lawsuit had to be signed off by the governor, and our current Republican governor just never responded, effectively preventing any action. So now there’s a workaround.

They should use another track in addition to the ring. If they win both, they would hold the coveted ‘two roads, one cup’

It’s nice to see your political views don’t prevent you being offended by the banal exploitation of the patriotic blood sacrifice of an American.

Because everything has to have a red and blue side, even the death of a Navy SEAL.

As any Ravens’ fan can tell you, this is the first time the terms “Matt Elam” and “stop” have ever been used in the same sentence.

Worst pick of Ozzie’s GM tenure?

Disagree – – there is a vas deferens between a beef between two players and one invoking Shaq.

Shut up.

Clinton was not “substantially to the right of the electorate.”

He’s not wrong, but he’s also the one making the stupid decision to put his living in the hands of people who are intentionally, steadily, and *publicly* working hard to eliminate his source of employment.