
The NFL: “We can’t pay rookies a lot because they might not be that good in the future, and we can’t pay vets a lot because they might not be that good in the future.” When is it a good time to pay a player?

Rare instance where the reply is even sicker than the OP. Brah-fucking-vo, sir.

Only because nobody else is special enough to keep up.

Are you trying to tell me that source material whose greatest successes rely nearly entirely on a consumer with a deep appreciation and understanding of literary history and criticism won’t translate perfectly into a major studio A-list star tentpoler? My stars.

But even with the English 301 stripped out of it,

Will someone try for Robinson 42 for the weekend, in tribute, only to get shut down? Would MLB shut it down? God, the fucking takes that would result...

It was one of the most insane and damaging SCOTUS decisions of the modern era, maybe behind only Citizen’s United — but McConnell’s obstruction of Garland ensured no reviews are coming any time soon.

Nonsense. The ACLU explicitly disagreed with Heller, and firmly supports 2A as a collective and not individual right (as does any reading of the text that’s grounded in actual English language and not bought-out corporatism). Here’s their position: it is one of informed regulation provided other civil liberties are

Virgin is still safe, but they have that goddamn seatbelt song and 30 minutes of house music while boarding, so, maybe that’s a push.

...and Trump is the oldest president ever, and he needs to be driven around in a cart while everyone else walks. If he were elected in 2020, he’d be 82 in his final term. That’s far, far too old for the rigors of the presidency.

When my grandson asks me about Lebron and how good he was, I’m going to say that at the pinnacle of his game, it took putting together two of the top three guys in the game (and four of the top fifteen or sixteen) to beat him.

Despite not having conducting thorough research, I’m still willing to bet everyone knocking Steph or KD’s legacy, and/or GSW’s legitimacy, are the same guys that fluff Derek Jeter’s story arc, and praise the dynastic glory of the Yankees. Wonder what the cause of that could be.

Playing off GSW’s drafting as luck, preaching about KD moving teams as every title-hungry star in every sport has done, forgetting that their immediate competition was built to beat them and is the highest-paid team in the land, completely ignoring the guy KD replaced was a scorer in his mold deemed worthy of a max

To be fair, Lebron also played D like a lost fucking scared-ass puppy tonight. Fuck points, play basketball.

This is obviously fake b/c Barack knew how to dress, to tie a tie, and “hanging down by your balls” is not where the tip of a tie goes. Why, to wear a tie that long you’d have to be some sort of complete fucking goddamn idiot that probably thinks it’s an effective way to hide the 60 pounds of slovenly garbage fat that

I’m in SF, but am from Baltimore, so yes it’s hella awesome to be along for this ride. Never had a pro basketball team growing up (DC is to Baltimore as the moon is to Earth, we’d go to MCI to see Jordan but that’s it). But yeah, I can’t claim to have given a shit prior than a few years ago. My wife, however, is from

Ok then. You ever see Way of the Gun? If you haven’t, check it out. Great conversation about this.

God DAMN this is some Trump-level fabrication. Refs call Dray with the shortest leash in the league: he got a technical in the Finals for waving his fucking hand. Funny you bring up Kyrie, who literally wrapped Dray up in bear hug this series (I think it was game 3) and didn’t get called for it. Meanwhile, Dray gets

Biden is apparently serious about wanting in. He’s probably too old, and it would be great for some diversity, but he’d also probably be a fantastic choice to start repairing our international standing and choosing good people to fix everything VP Warren, maybe, to wrangle the legislature...and then after

I mean, the dude is up there advocating for the termination of up to 4 police officers for the kinds of shit that every other department has thus far tried to ignore and sweep under the rug. Cut the fucking guy a break. By all accounts he’s doing the right thing. He can use every bit of cop speak in the world if it’s

“Considering the fact that HBO hasn’t pulledBill Maher’s show despite his recent virulently racist remark—and with the understanding that the two networks have different aims—this particular cancellation registers as craven.”