
As long as I can blast spirit bombs and kamehameha waves at my opponents, I will be happy. Thanks for the reassurance though :)

Can always just make it change their move set, not make them do more damage or something.

Is it going to play similar to those? I’ve never been very good at them, but I have wanted a game in the similar vein to the original Budokai games for ages (Side on fighter, none of that Xenoverse style stuff.) and I hope I can play it okay.

Make a Reinhardt one and I will buy it!

Backwards compatibility is a must early on, the later in a consoles life cycle, the less it would be used because there would be more current gen games on it. Early on it’s handy because the new systems have a tiny library.

Will it have same screen multiplayer for vs? That was the one thing that kept me from getting it for Wii-U.

That sucks, sorry, I got no other suggestions :(

Have you made a loadout and set the shader to skin you want for that character? It took me more time then I care to admit to figure out that’s where they hid them.

A character even brings it up in the comics with him, when the armor is active, it’s how he looks.

I want to get a DC fighting game to have DC characters... I own the MK games, it’s cool and all to have crossover characters I guess. But I feel like it’s a wasted slot when they could have another DC character people might not know much about, let people learn about characters and stuff.

$40 Million. Not hundreds of millions, just putting that bit of info out there. As far as AAA development budgets, that is not as big as usual.

To be fair, Microsoft has been doing the same thing much longer.

I’m enjoying it too, just started the first settlement and had a lot of fun in the nomad too.

As a backer, I did read that. Their Blood rage minis were fantastic, so these will still be quite good :)

This might be an even bigger issue if cell phones are part of the problem. They planned on using and app on cell phones to do party chat and stuff right? Wouldn’t that kind of bite them in the ass?

Going to need an ambulance for that burn!

Honest question, have played 1, 2 and Chain of Memories on the GBA when they came out. What do I need to play to understand the 3rd game when it hits? Because all the spin offs etc I didn’t have the systems for. I do have a PS3/4 so the collections I can do, but I don’t have a lot of time. So what are the essential

Don’t assume I didn’t read the stuff, I was asking because it was a couple years ago now and I couldn’t recall. There was a lot being said and announced at that time.