
What games are you playing aside from Twilight Imperium of theirs that take so long to learn? I’m genuinely curious.

That’s how we handle it at our game table too.

In my defense, it has been a long time since I have heard the song. Nice to see another fan here though :)

Be... Not afraid.

Here’s hoping they clean it properly after each use...

More people should read this.

Yep, this could result in great things and titles some people would miss will have access to :D

Care to mention why? I don’t know who he is, just at a cursory google search, he’s the ceo of Stardock, didn’t see much more than that.

Will mods work, or will they need to be redone? Want to go into this without mods so I can see the difference for a bit anyway, but wondering how it will affect them. The user interface mod, I forget the name, is a godsend and I would hate to be wihtout it for long.

Anyone know if you can finish it?

Yeah, but if it sucks, it was free if leakerd and we’d be like. Oh, that’s disapointing, but now I see why they didn’t release it.

Thanks for the info :)

Are they even releasing the last 3 Smash Amiibo? Bayonetta, Cloud and that Fire Emblem one?

Nice write up, if you’re nuts like me and have got Armada, X-Wing, Imperial Assault and have just got in to the RPG, then you have all the props you could want to bring some flair to the table as far as setting the scenes can go too :D I love all the games on their own too!

I was merely jesting :) Nintendo have been pretty stupid PR wise lately.

Will Nintendo try something stupid legal-wise about the name having “tendo” in it and being related to video games? Any takers?

The ending of the last game will play in to that as well.

Most augs only have basic augmentations, to help from an injury, or do their job. Also they need a special and expensive drug at regular intervals so their bodies don’t just reject the foreign limbs etc. Adam Jensen is an outlier, the exception, not the sort that represents the majority.

Not a Destiny player (tried, but just wasn’t my thing) but this guy sounded like an amazing dude. The world is worse off without him :(

I really liked it, sad to hear of the loss :(