
You had them in Battlefront 2 I believe. So why is it okay there and not here?

With the way you hop into it, I see some Iron-Man look alikes in the not too distant future :D

How is the Pip boy edition only $119.99 in the US, but in New Zealand they’re asking for $299.99!? This is fucking bullshit! Current conversion puts it at roughly $173 NZD round it off to an even $180 and that’d be fine I guess, but this is fucking bullshit!

How is the Pip boy edition only $119.99 in the US, but in New Zealand they’re asking for $299.99!? This is fucking

I’m glad to see that Roy isn’t just a Marth clone, I was set to be disapointed but Nintendo/Sakurai did it right. If you’re going to pay extra for a character, at least make him have his own move set :)

I hope it’s multiplatform. I was really hoping we’d get a real sequel to Fall of Cybertron, but this looks fun too.

All their moves do the same thing, they just have slightly different perameters such as attack distance and damage etc, so it’s very slight. Yeah, she may feel different, and I was fine with her in the game, but to have another character that is that close to Marth as well seems like a wasted space.

That’s why I would have an issue with it, if his moves are different though, then it’s all cool.

It’s not that he’s another Fire emblem character, it’s that if he has the same move set as Marth like in Melee then it’s a waisted slot because it’s another clone character. Lucina was already a Marth clone, yes the “clones” have slight differences, but not enough to make them feel truly unique to me.

So is this a movie, series? People are referring to it as both and I am confused >_<

I’m liking what I am seeing though.

I think we may have a really honest trailer about how the game will look visually. It looks good, and by not pushing it to the extreme plenty of people should be able to play it on PC, as well as have it run smooth on the consoles.

You can’t blame them, Fallout 4 is a big deal, that said, this is cool :D

Practice and a bit of prayer and you may not come last, I’ve been having fun with it because the game is really challenging me more now.

Too bad the Nintendo bundle is region locked. What a load of BS.

Too bad the Nintendo bundle is region locked. What a load of BS.


I have done that, taken time off for when Diablo 3 launched, guess what, couldn’t even play it. You know what I did? I read a book and went to see a movie that was playing at the time. These people can at least play it with subtitles if I am understanding it correctly, if so, then they have more of an option than I

It’s a day or two. Not like it’s months or anything like that.

Fair enough. I haven’t looked too much into Splatoon, online multiplayer games aren’t my thing as much. But I have to admit, that’s more then just a skin or two content wise.

Agreed. I have been buying amiibo as figures first of characters I might never see a figure of, like the Villager etc. The small DLC on it, and lets face it, they’re not anything substantial that they unlock, is a small bonus.

If you see them only as DLC, then yes. I have been buying them because I want the figures first, what they unlock in games is a bonus to me. That is just my perspective. If someone is paying for them just for DLC then they’re willing to a lot for very little.

Treat people how you want to be treated is something I live by, best part is it’s simple and doesn’t seem to cause any problems.