
Neither is okay. A person can be against female genital mutilation AND male circumcision.

You clearly didn't read the article or your appetite for clam chowder would have disappeared for the rest of your life.

I think part of what makes people yammer on about how they love veggies is the fact that most people hated veggies as kids, but somewhere in adulthood, many discover ways to prepare veggies that make them absolutely delicious. It's an exciting new discovery: "Holy shit! Vegetables are really tasty! Who knew?"

I don't understand why you think it's more acceptable for him to deprive servers of wages than to take food from a large corporate store where a certain amount of theft is already written off as part of the cost of doing business and does not affect workers. Please explain.

I, and I think a lot of other people, would be absolutely willing to give him a pass if he were stealing bread and bananas from the local supermarket. But he stole expensive meals and alcohol at a restaurant, which means that not only did the business lose money, but his servers also had money taken out of their

Maybe it's a small dick.

Not a prude. If people want others to watch them having sex, there are venues for that, where all parties are consenting and enjoying the experience. Forcing an innocent bystander to be part of your kink without having consented is not okay.

I'm with you. Planning my wedding and missing my paternal grandma something fierce. She was sassy, fun, and welcoming, and I could use her sense of humor right now.

The stereotype that women ... are in weddings?

Save your brain; tip 20%. 10% x 2. Your waiter will thank you. :)

Chelation therapy actually has its uses, I believe for treatment of radiation poisoning. But it's sort of like chemo for cancer patients—it might kill you but you'll definitely die without it.

It sounds like a miso soup. It's really easy to make.

You could always try baseless threats ("I WILL SUE YOU!") and see if that scares them enough to stop publishing.

Those with IUDs can't use cups. :/

The friggin' statue is the only one wearing a piece of lingerie I could actually afford.


Except the counter-protests mean a great deal to other people. For example, when WBC pickets a funeral, it's incredibly uplifting for the family of the deceased to see a whole town turn out to line the streets and sing songs.

My intended and I got our rings at Titanium is inexpensive, attractive, lightweight, and damn near indestructible.

Trophy Wife is hysterical. Sadly, sadly underrated.

Every time a baby cries, a woman ovulates. Sometimes puppy whimpering also triggers this but not always.