
I would bet that the girls/women that said "lol look at the loser and his videogames" aren't the same girls/women who said any of the other stuff as time passed.

Hey Kyle,

I never got why it mattered, like why do people want questions like "What are you?" validated anyways? What is my answer going to do for you? How does knowing what my ethnicity is necessary to you getting to know me?

"Again, this is othering, making a person feel like they need to explain why they look the way they do."

Everyone objecting to this article is generalizing it way past what it is actually saying. Even though it has helpful bold headlines. If that's tl;dr for you, the point is that by bringing it up *right away* or asking where someone is "from" when you're really asking their ethnic background, it does tend to put an

What does it matter if you're making people uncomfortable so long as your curiosity's satisfied. You seem like a real winner.

Did you, like, not read the article AT ALL??

You too?

One of my most loathed questions. Please... just don't ask. And really, why would you? Yes if you know me and we've been hanging out for years and we're friends... then fine. But as an early stage question?!?
I'm brown skinned.... but I've got SEVEN generations between me and India. So to ask me my

Just my own two cents: if you ask in a way which gives me the option not to answer (for instance, preceding the question by, "would you mind if I ask...?" or something to that effect), I will generally not mind very much. You're at least acknowledging the fact that I might not like the question, and it gives me the

Ugh I hate these questions. I am multi-racial and didn't even have it all figured out until recently and I still get screwed up when trying to explain it. I wish people would just accept "I'm mixed" and leave it at that. Nope, they have to know all the details.

Now playing

I can't believe no one's posted this video yet. Enjoy, Jezzies!

Oh god, THIS. I just say I'm Californian now. People ask me about my ethnicity ALL the time and that shit is tiresome. Plus, I feel awkward claiming anything because I haven't been immersed in any other culture but Northern Californian culture.

Did you get bored with life under the bridge?