@cuevas: Time to bust out my MS Paint skillz!
@cuevas: Time to bust out my MS Paint skillz!
@SenorMoofer: I think its that new Aol internet.
All that's needed now is for someone to photoshop a giant PS/2 adapter for them!
I totally had that Fall Guy lunch box!! They don't make lunch boxes like they used to. No more durable metal, it's either plastic( a copule of drops on the playground and kiss them good by), or the nylon/fabric types (boring). There is no feeling like the walking to school on the first day with a shiny new Fall Guy…
@mikehtiger: silly mikehtiger, you know they won't allow p0rnz on the Jesus ph0ne!
@BoscoH: I'm sure that part of the video was left on the cutting room floor.
Can it be true that Apple has a *gasp* Sense of humor!?!?!? (Come this afternoon, will constantly hit F5!)
@AmphetamineCrown: Lol, Yes I tend to get just a bit hostile when I run into,( or stuck behind), people like that. But don't we all feel that way time to time?
Pic #2 describes what I wish I could to the morons who believe that it is their God given right to talk/txt on their cell phones and not paying attention to the road!
Hrmm... looks like this could be useful!
I found a lot of goodies for my Blackjack II here, including a hack to run Garmin GPS with out eating up your data plan.
@Joseph: Very impressive Joseph, I too use PhotoStich to do my panoramas, let me see if i can find some I've taken. BTW, what kind of camera do you use?