
Could you imagine owning a PS2 and never having played Shadow of the Colossus? Or a GTA: Vice City? Ha ha. That'd be dumb.

Wait...this article isn't about Ni No Kuni....

I mistook the title as "in Video Games" and imagined someone driving a truck full of stolen video games to Gamestop and getting a measly $316 in store credit for it.

Pink goop or not, they're delicious.

Still very hyped for this. Delays never bugged me because I've had plenty to play in the meantime. Backlog was piling up anyway.

Because I like good movies? Not garbage? Because this man who loves the trashiest american values and has the sense of humor of a 12 year old and thinks fat people and blacks are "funny" keeps getting millions of dollars to make terrible movies? I mean just cause I watch a criterion movie once in a while doesn't

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

The second one was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The other two aren't not nearly as bad, but they're not what I would call watchable.

Michael Bay's movies feel like they're made by a hormonal 12 year old boy with way more money than talent. They're so bad it's difficult to articulate why, I don't even know

I work at a video game company and I love football immensely. This is an article about football, why are *you* here?

Says you. I'm a gamer and a sports fan. So are hundreds of thousands of others.

Really missed the mark for Atlanta. Was the Millenium Falcons just too easy?

This is the one selection that bothers me the most. Why not the (Millennium) Falcons?

Fitting that they went Bengals=Darth Maul on this. Both started out looking like imposing and potentially devastating threats, only to have an occasionally exciting, yet frustratingly uneven arc cut short.

This one works well since Luck, like stormtroopers had problems hitting their targets this post season

I'll add the obligatory "every cod player is a bro" stereotype.

And this is how Bing got it's first users ever.

Why even insert a middle-man into the equation. I prefer a blender provided burger slurry. Throw the milkshake, the fries, the burger, the chicken nuggets into the blender, hit gooify and then slurp that shit up. Just like mama used to make. (Mama was an American Bald Eagle. USA! USA! USA!!!)

It's fascinating to watch, for sure.

Clearly it's because you are some kind of monster.