
I feel like you're being just a *tad* harsh, Jason - I played the complete FFIV: TAY on WiiWare a few years ago, and I rather enjoyed it. Yes, it was basically a cynical recycling of FFIV but I had a great deal of affection for those characters and it was interesting to play their scenarios out a bit longer.

You know, oddly enough I found the plot of After Years decently interesting. Although it wasn't the most stellar final fantasy game ever made, it actually surprised me with some of the things in it, such as Cecil essentially ending up a brainwashed husk of himself for a large portion of the game.

is there anything it CANT grind up???

Wow many if not most people in this comments, I guess including the author for seeing it as "couples stripping", are just shit people. THIS IS SEXUAL ASSAULT YOU ASSHOLES. Not funny in any way, not good for any business or anything at all!!! It's just sad and harmful and destroys lives, but sure let's joke about it in

This was not a strip show, this was a sexual assault.

Now playing

Just to be clear. The 80 year old woman that burned herself due to McDonald's coffee being too hot, was not "frivolous." She was burned so badly that she had to get skin graphs. She was also only asking for McDonald's to pay her hospital bills, and they wouldn't, so she sued. It's really kind of a myth that she didn't

NeoGAF users noticed this trend yesterday—one chiming in early to say "soon someone will do something absolutely horrible on cam,"—and being proven right not soon after. In an episode reported by GameRevolution and discussed in other forums, a couple sat on their overstuffed couch, allegedly drinking to

Thank you! Seriously, the fuck kotaku commenters and Owen? The fuck?

Violating an unconscious woman... is disgusting.

Does anyone else not find it disturbing someone was stripping a girl who was unconscious?

Owen, did you know that the "strip show" you mention in here is actually sexual assault? Your title is really ill-thought out, since, as far as I know, people need to be conscious and consent to be a part of a strip show. Stripping an unconscious woman is something else.

You can see live streams of decapitations on Twitch? Ha. Game violence is irrelevant.

a couple sat on their overstuffed couch, allegedly drinking to unconsciousness. One lifted up his unsconscious partner's shirt, exposing her breast for about 15 minutes. After a brief blackout, the broadcast returned, with the woman completely naked, presumably stripped by her companion.

After clicking a link on neogaf to one of these playroom streams. There was an 11yr old girl, in bed, alone, with 600+ freaks chatting and watching her.

Hell, a strip show is bad enough but the woman the guy stripped was UNCONSCIOUS, thats not just bannable thats ILLEGAL. Remember if she was out cold she couldn't consent to any of it, meaning what the viewers saw was not some fun messing around but very real sexual assault and possible rape.

Dude, it wasn't just nudity. This was a guy taking advantage of a drunken woman live on camera. Please don't try to make excuses for that.

I really appreciate the story tag "PUBLICITY STUNTS WE FELL FOR".

I just... I feel so sorry for you all. I pity you, I really do. Regardless of your qualms, regardless of the ways you all feel each game should have been done, they as a trilogy deliver a kind of expansive story that has hardly ever been seen before.