I kind of thought the same thing. Like, why is it surprising that a Catholic high school theology teacher is a raging misogynist? But I think what puts it over the top is the flagrant racism.
I kind of thought the same thing. Like, why is it surprising that a Catholic high school theology teacher is a raging misogynist? But I think what puts it over the top is the flagrant racism.
“Right, I’d have no problem with that article in a magazine that’s for middle school aged kids.”
They should check the security cameras of every hotel that shitbag has stayed in; no rapist starts offending in his 50s.
The second one, though, with the kitten’s rectum. That doesn’t sound like it ends well. :(
Hmmm. I’m trying to think of a possible solution to your wondering that. Hey I know what: try watching it yourself. Then what you indicate as your pathologically limited sense of imagination and creativity wouldn’t be a problem here. You won’t have to “imagine” what makes SVU so great, you can just see for yourself.
How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.
Well, good for you that you think you know what’s best for everyone.
Who are all these pregnant women suing bartenders and convenience store clerks?! This doesn’t happen.
I feel like “Why would you do this?” “The internet” is a conversation I’m going to have with my own daughter over and over again in my lifetime. She’s six now, but...the internet.
And? Everyone has a different idea of what beauty is and clearly the bodybuilding roid-popping look isn’t mine.
“to reduce the risk of potentially catastrophic personal and professional consequences that could befall them and their families.”
Hey, I’m as whiny as anyone on here, but this constant need for everyone to preface every statement they make with, “While I know there are those out there much less fortunate than myself...” is kind of insane. She was talking about her life and told it how she experienced it. If it bothers you that she was able to be…
I'm sure you don't have very much experience with pussies.
My guess
Great news Chip. A lot of fun talking with.You.
He and Gene Siskel did so much for the Chicago film community.
Was hoping someone would post an answer like this that gets more at the truth. I worked at Chicago Housing Authority during the “Plan For Transformation” and it didn’t take long to realize it wasn’t about making the lives of Cabrini residents better, it was a land grab. I remember when every work in CHA was assigned…
It is obnoxious.
This is not nearly aggravating as the way my mother eats Peanut M&M’s:
1. Suck the candy shell until it’s all gone
2. While performing step 1, be sure to slosh the motherfucker around in your mouth so it hits your teeth and makes an audible click-clacking noise to those around you
3. Be sure to make the teeth-sucking ttth…
maybe you just don’t understand post-modernism