Sorry to get all shallow, but wtf is going on with her face?
Sorry to get all shallow, but wtf is going on with her face?
Yeah, I saw that too, and I also saw that a lot of people were suggesting that old people shouldn’t be allowed to vote, since they’re not going to have to live with the consequences of their decision for as long as the younger people are.
Tammy Duckworth is THE BEST. I'm usually kind of ashamed to live in Illinois, but I CANNOT WAIT TO VOTE FOR HER! Mark Kirk doesn't stand a chance!
And somewhere in Pittsburgh, Kristy and Kelly are cackling over their fifth cocktail...
Fun Home “Ring Of Keys.” Like, to the point where I’m starting to hate it a little
When we moved into out house, the walls were all painted a color I call Yeast Infection Yellow
Cherith Cutestory , you are the best person in the world. Seriously, Lua is literally screaming swear words in your face and yet you are unflappable. I kind of want to punch him/her, and I’m not even the one he/she is blustering at. I need a swig of whatever you’re drinking. I would have lost my shit ten comments ago.
oh my god I absolutely love you. You were the kid I always wanted to sit next to in study hall
Also I get a total tranny vibe from Captain Crunch, so he's super wrong about that as well.
My son and his best friend did the same thing on the day of their 8th grade trip. Neither one wanted to go to Great America, so they were literally the only two kids in the school that day. They milled from class to class (they had all their classes together that year), and just played cards and fucked around on the…
I agree that Jill was awful this season, but Melissa was THE WORST! That dance where that other girl did the dance for her disabled brother, I totally wanted to punch Melissa every time she opened her mouth.
Sorry, I don’t get the outrage here. Of course this is a terrible message on a terrible pamphlet delivered by a terrible organization — but why are we surprised? As a product of Catholic schools, I can tell you for a fact that that those kids will be force-fed garbage like this a hundred times a day.
Have we had sex? Because it sounds like we have. Except instead of Archer it would be Criminal Minds which I would on one hand want to turn off because ewww, but also want to keep on because Shemar Moore.
I have three teenagers and...yes. You are exactly correct.
Hmmm... I see what you’re saying, but having been raised by one alcoholic and one drug addict, I can tell you that, no, it’s never going to be ok to have a blissed out, stoned-as-fuck parent. It works just fine for the drug-user, but for the rest of society, not so much. Someone is going to have to take care of the…
The last time my son flew, he was a very short, skinny 14 year old. He looked 9 years old. The flight attendant kept calling him “big guy” and at the end of the flight, presented him with his own “Captain Wings” lapel pin.
This is the best video I have ever seen. I laughed, I cried, I threw up in my mouth a little...
I think it would be amazing. He would be demonized by the right and marveled over by the left. Personally I would still find him repulsive, but I guarantee you our grandchildren will be reading about him in history class.
I continue to believe that this is all one enormous troll, and that Trump is going to come on stage at the Republican Convention and SHAME all of his supporters: