
@Live N Learn: Glad you know where I live. My water system is a combined overflow type, same kind as NYC, or Boston. My house is over 100 years old. I'd say my pipes are damn old. And bottled water is not a scam, as in, you are getting something when you buy it. It's more of an expensive ripoff. But I probably

@Spartanical: You missed the dry aged steak party I had at my house last month. The two steaks cost 80 bucks, and melted when we ate them. My grill gets to 700F or so, and happily cooks way expensive cuts of meat to a level on par with anything that you could have at Peter Luger's.

@njdevil: I'd actually highly recommend the meatspace version of the book. We got it at Sam's club for 17 bucks or so. It's a massive tome, well worth the purchase price.

@dersair: Not if M. Night's got anything to say about it.

@Tina Sena: Uh, he did the make "The Happening", and "The Lady In The Water". That guy fell for his own press. To think that there's all this great, untapped filmmaking talent out there, and this assclown gets millions thrown at him. "Make another twist ending for us, M!, my wife wants me to buy another summer

Wonder if this will be available on Netflix Instant? I don't have cable, and I've seen a few direct to On Demand movies show up on there at the same time before...that would be nice.

Dear 3G owners who've run the update: let me know how it's doing. I downgraded to 3.1.3 after a week with iOS 4. Unless I get the same performance as I do now, there is no reason to upgrade above it, is there?

@DfizzleShizzle: It's backed by the people who run The Awl, so I'm assuming (hoping?) that they have some backend power. That sounds dirty.

@morning-cup-of-MEH: You're like an Apple Fanboy version of Scrooge McDuck aren't you?

@itmustbeken: I agonized. That blank comment box stared at me, taunted me, and made me feel inferior until I came up with the appropriate response. It can't all be gold.

I'm still running 3.1.3. I had upgraded to iOS4 when it first came out, put up with it for a week, then ditched it as fast as I could (thanks Lifehacker!)

@RomanForest: I just watched a Patton Oswalt special last night. And your reaction reminded me of him talking about when he was younger, he had intense LOVE for some things, and HATRED for others. Just like I did. And as he gets older, the range gets narrower and narrower, to the point where it's "oh, that's cool"

@dgoak001: Clogging up the tubes! RIP Ted Stevens.

@SDRON: Careful now, your nerd rage is crossing over into jock rage. It's scaring the pale folk.

@echo off: People use shuffles for workouts. They are small, sweatproof, and you set up a playlist and go. And if you drop it, there's no touchscreen to break.

@Slinkytech: 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Pick your pain.

@locomodo: You get DFH in Fla? Glad to hear their distribution has grown. Try to track down 21st Amendment IPA. It's a very tasty, canned only, high hops IPA.

@locomodo: Do this test. Take a Dogfish Head 60 Min, and a SlyFox 113 IPA, pour both in a glass, and report back.

@Myhnea: From what I know, European brewers tend to brew to a much wider palate. That's the issue with having to please tastes in England and the Netherlands, at the same time.