I believe FFVII on PC is like 1GB or so. I’d imagine around there.
I believe FFVII on PC is like 1GB or so. I’d imagine around there.
Final Fantasy VII, a video game about an angry man with mommy issues
The people don’t start wars. Our leaders do.
This is a blog, it is chock-full of silly bullshit which may or may not be to your taste and if you spent any longer than a day on this place that should be incredibly apparent. It has always been this way, it will continue to be this way barring any Hulkamania-related outages. If you want serious business, go to…
It just seemed to fit...
So you want to be a playa, but your wheels aren’t fly, then hit us up for a pimped out ride...
Still waiting for Final Fantasy IX on PC...
Holy mackerel.
Jackie Chan is a true master of directing action movies.
What an awesome guy!
fuck that, i do.
Yeah, because console manufacturers simply aren’t interested in giving players the level of freedom to do shit like this that PC does. Technically capable in 25-30 years, but they’ll likely never support it.
Well, he’s not wrong. Consoles will be able to do this in... uh maybe 25-30 years.
Black hole sun
Sure, it doesn't impact how you play the game itself necessarily, but it speaks to the level of quality of the port. It tells you how much effort they're putting into the game itself.
Yay! And they didn't screw up his design like they did with Freddy!
Bioware still around and making great games. Pandamic a very overrated game studio.
The same people who play other non AAA tittles on portable devices.(if you are asking about the quality of gameplay)
Epic fucking finish though. First we have the airbender who kept the ball in play, bouncing off him. Then that interception soon after. Good shit.